Chronicles of Eternia
「 Revelations 」 - Printable Version

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「 Revelations 」 - tenias - 01-23-2023

[Image: __hunter_plain_doll_lady_maria_of_the_as...e02700.png]

The Beast on the Throne

There are many things that Meranthe is yet to know
To preach against the foul arts, you make yourself naive
When you are at the cusp of the revelation, you shut yourself from the potential
To hunt others who do not share your naivety
To close your eyes from reality, shielding yourself from the writing upon the walls
There are threats far more dangerous than I
You could only hope to replicate a fraction of their power this way.

I had hoped you were stronger than this, I had hoped you were able to adapt
A strength that could rival the higher beings rather than beg at their feet for power


Truly, pathetic.

When reaching for greatness, the only limit should be physical
And when you've broken the chains that bind you?
Nothing would be able to cease your advance
What is considered a miracle would become commonplace in the eyes of the almighty
There are threats far more dangerous than I
You ought to be prepared.
I know how you can be prepared.

A mighty storm, one that cannot be braved
When the status quo is broken, only then can you be inspired once again
When I break you down, only then will you build yourself up

The Primordial was not the proper threat
The Witches were not the proper threat
And so, I've removed them from your path
You've far more better things to do, they were below you
There are threats far more dangerous than I.

Pride, Relief, Accomplishments
Death, Grief, Tragedy
Those that are artificial, those that are genuine
You will live and breathe progress

Doomsday is upon you, Meranthe.

Once I remove the chains that you've placed upon yourself,
Only then can I break the cycle in which I've placed upon myself.
