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QoL for New Demons - Printable Version

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QoL for New Demons - aidanj5277 - 03-01-2023


So recently I have begun the grueling journey of starting out as a demon, and here are some things I think would make playing the characters especially early on, much, much better. Currently, we have reached a stage where there are not a lot of "new" characters. The majority of the playerbase is 200+. The issue is, as a lower level demon (Lvl 1-180) 99% of people you run into, will attack you, and you gain no XP from the attack, bc they are 20 levels or more higher than you. So there are very, very, select few characters on the map you can earn any sort of XP from attacking, making the triple xp from dangers barely even worth it. This makes the initial leveling of a demon, extremely, extremely slow. I have leveled slower on my demon than any char I've played before.

So, a few suggestions to potentially fix this / mitigate the effects of facing high lvl players.

1. Make Demons gain XP if the person is 20+ higher than you, but not if they are 20+ lower than you. - I understand why this mechanic is in place to protect lower level players from getting grimed for XP, but for a Demon, it is kind of a part of your role to get attacked constantly. This change would protect low level players from getting preyed on by demons, but also allow for demons to gain XP from fighting much stronger characters even if they are outmatched or will lose.

2. Remove the 3 hour cooldown to level up. - The 3x boost on danger XP barely matters when you can only level up once every 3 hours anyways, to the point I barely notice a difference in speed leveling as a demon, in fact, It feels much slower even with the 3x boost.

3. Remove 6 hour cooldown for danger XP as Demons. -  Often demons are chain verbed by larger groups of players, and gain only miniscule xp from the encounter because of the cooldown. As a race that is based on fighting and being a threat / dangerous, Demons should be able to go out and fight, anytime, as many fights as they want until their bodies cant take the "Battle Injury" nerfs you get from winning battles. That Vitality nerf is enough of a hinderance that it will prevent 24/7 danger farming, but will allow for demons to go out and attack more than once every six hours instead of going out, attacking one person, and then go hide for 6 hours and then do it again.

This is just suggestions on how I've interpreted playing an early on lower lvl demon, and I could just be an idiot and not know what im talking about, but if any of you agree/have thoughts of your own, let me know.

RE: QoL for New Demons - Purpalicious - 03-01-2023

Chance recently said that #2 would be removed.

RE: QoL for New Demons - Dazzer - 03-01-2023

I thought it was 3 hours on dangers :thonk:

But I agree with all of these points

RE: QoL for New Demons - DarkerAndDarker - 03-01-2023

Seems fair to me