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Those Who Wander The Dark - Printable Version

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Those Who Wander The Dark - The Iron Jaw - 10-05-2024

[Image: aRrUjwR.jpeg]
It was thought that the venture into the dark proves troublesome, for the journey is often alone...

In recent years, a growing number of non-magus cultists have been drawn to the wilds by a stygian siren's call. Pried away from their trade routes, from their banditry, from the cozy lifestyles amongst nigh settlements and beyond...
Promises of solace, of forbidden knowledge, for power, for vitality have caught their ear and drew them in. Entranced by the coo of the Occult, they remain. At the center of it all, an acclaimed deity bestows boons upon them, in turn for a pact.
Some would claim it to be an Aspect of Mortyl, others suggest it to be some lesser imitation of Amier. Though, amongst the claims, few are oft repeated:
The End
Whether those who approach are non-magi themselves seeking a magus awakening or a mage with aspirations of their own... One thing remained certain -- The cost for such remained the same.
Prayer... And Tribute...

Have you ever wondered "What if my Patron was a PC?" Well, wonder no longer! You can have your very own PC Patron today to answer your prayers and offer you boons, all for some prayer RPs, tributes and the nefarious plotting carried out behind the results of your every action across Meranthe!
Now, let's look at what you'll have access to with your new "religion":

[Image: slC8KFm.png]
He is known by many names. Three of which across Meranthe are "Balar", "The End", and "Terminus". You are free to dub him by any other deemed appropriate by himself and your fellow followers. Champions raised in his name will be granted "Terminus" as their surname to represent their ascension. By interfacing with him, you are granted access to some of the boons he can bestow upon you.
Lost Dark Arts
There are many secrets of the Occult. Most know that its primary use invokes destruction... But did you know that with enough mastery? You can redirect what is taken from others? Well, no need to overthink it! Our glorious Patron has mastered the ability to heal most wounds considered temporary by even the most hardy of magus brethren. Some would even claim it can invoke the prowess of several qualified Medical practitioners!
Shamanistic Alchemy
Whether it is the desire to be ascended, or a boon that turns you invisible, you too can have access to the intellect and prowess of a Tier 1 Alchemist without the need to invest a single minute into the science!
Demonic Conjuration
Have you ever wanted to take revenge on your pesky rival that's always upstaging you? Don't know if you have the power to take them on yourself? Well, nothing is beyond your glorious Patron! With a few rituals and maybe a sacrifice, perhaps you too can bring a demon into the world that can hunt that problem for you!
Dark Baptism
Have you found yourself in need of a little boost? Need a jumpstart to get yourself going? Through a ritual, you can be born anew in the blood of your Patron. Some would say that the ritual resonates through your very circuitry and leaves you feeling rejuvenated!
Perhaps you want to take matters into your own hands after the world has dealt you a raw setup. No matter! With devout pursuit in your Patrons desires? YOU can have the power of a demon invoked into your VERY VEINS!

And much more...
(Especially as development ensues)
[Image: q4AFMxY.png]
A byproduct of his existence in their search for divination through their prayers and tribute. By becoming a cultist, you will find yourself serving the ultimate goal of your Patron. The world has grown corrupt by the very Sin it claims to rebuke and thus must be cleansed properly. To commit to such a task? Everything must End. It is an inevitability, and by motivating such by promoting or incurring the devastation afoot, or taunting the fragility of civilization's foundation? You can bring about that. It is said by invoking the End of everything, the eternal cycle can begin anew... A fresh breath of existence, where Sin no longer exists...
One Devoid of Death...
One Devoid of War...
Usque Terminus.
The highest ranking mortal member of the cult. They act as a High Priest in the name of Terminus. Grand rituals and large movements for the cult are typically at the behest of this individual. Due to their closeness to the Patron, it is said that they are constantly bathed in His blood to keep their bond pure.
A cursed preacher dedicated to spreading the dark teachings and prophecies of The End. They may deliver sermons and guide members deeper into the depths of the Dark Arts. It is said upon the dubbing of a Maledictus, the cultist is granted their very own Centricon manifested through the body of a sacrificed magi festering with Hatred.
Also known as "Nightbringers", they oversee the cult's tactical activities and night rituals. It is said that they are often dedicated to the task of cursing the land and pursuing the invocation of curses upon enemies of their Patron. Champions of Terminus, dubbed of his name are often bestowed such a title upon awakening.
These are masters and teachers of the cult, drawing forth new initiates and preserving the rites of the Herald's Oath. It is said that many dubbed of this title may oft be aspiring necromancers in pursuit of forbidden knowledge, though such has yet to be confirmed.
Whether they had proven themselves worthy, desperate or willing to invoke a pact with the Patron? They earn themselves a mark in some way, shape, or form. This can be as menial as a distinguishing insignia ceremoniously grafted onto their body to as grandiose as a successful ascension ritual. It is claimed that even some non-magi have become awakened through such a ritual -- capable of enacting feats of revenge upon their enemies prior.
Those who have heard the Call or have been drawn in by promises of riches, vitality, power, or more. They are relegated mostly to menial tasks, though it is not unheard of that they are sent out into the land to harass their enemies. Their loyalty is often proven through prayer. These members were often individuals tempted by a boon to draw them in, unintentionally invoking a pact with the Patron.
[Image: qGAmO4M.png]
Those who find themselves invoking a pact with this Patron, whether intentional or otherwise but stray from the cult are dubbed of such a title. In some circumstances, some may even manage to become enemies of the cult itself -- but one thing remains constant. They have mingled themselves with Terminus in some way.
Perhaps, their magus awakening had come as a result of a ritual from the entity...
Perhaps their vitality was restored from a previously devastating status...
In some cases, you may even still find yourself drawn to Terminus, but intent on following in your way.
Your prayers might still be answered.
OOC Notes:
  • I don't mind if you're playing mains/alts, all that matters is that fun is had.
  • There is no pressure to play as a Cultist! By deciding to interface in this "Patron-Votaries" relationship, we're just developing a new means of "interacting with a demonic" entity. 
  • If you were ever interested in a DnD-inspired "Patron-Warlock" sorta dynamic with a Hel-based entity PC, this is the RP for you!
  • Interested? Contact me via Discord at "scruqade"

RE: Those Who Wander The Dark - The Iron Jaw - 10-05-2024

I have made a grave error, this belongs in the Guild part of the forums. Please delete or move!

RE: Those Who Wander The Dark - Bluebird - 10-05-2024

It's been moved!