Chronicles of Eternia
perfect, immortal machine - Printable Version

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perfect, immortal machine - Monarch - 10-07-2024

[Image: 8NpEThB.png]

Augmented Demonica model 3-EA. Krahe 621.

This is probably not the outcome I wished for.
But the one that was expected.
Despite my efforts and my claims of superiority.
I think I'm dying.

But that is okay. It is part of my duty.
Duty always comes first.
And as a machine made to protect mankind.
Dying for them was always my destiny.

All my life I tried to be kind.
Even with the terrible darkness invading our world.
The forces of Atrellya, as before, seeking to destroy everything.
And I face them, knowing I would not return.

My faith in mankind was lost long ago.
I know they march towards their own destruction.
They cling to a false and dim hope.
Technology is the means by which mankind will survive.

The silent voice whispered by the Gods did not stop the invading demons.
Acts from the divines never once held back the sins of men.
Yet, mankind will kill and die for their Gods.
I don't really understand why.

But, ironically, I would do the same for my creators.
I know the Gods may not love me.
Yet, I wonder, if mankind ever loved me?
All I did was for them.

Maybe, like mankind, I needed doubt.
Maybe, like mankind, I should've let go of my faith.
Maybe, like mankind...
No, it's useless.

My road was a difficult one.
I fought potential allies, only because we did not see eye to eye.
Yet, I know, we both wanted the same.
Mankind's survival.

But I could not accept alliances with the heretic.
Standing idle as heresy spread was not within my code.
Humanity is the noblest of all beings.
And to save it, I was willing to fight.

To fight against the East and its methods.
To fight against the demons from distant lands.
To fight those in power.
To fight the divine.

I was humanity's most devoted warrior.
But the roots of heresy are deep in the hearts of men.
I could've been the Savior I wanted to be.
And then I fell.

Branded a rogue.
Called a traitor.
An agent of demons.
Ironic, don't you think?

But, it is too late.
I was supposed to save the world. That was my mission.
And now... my mission is to be dead.
Maybe I can get through this.

No, who am I kidding.
I am not a messiah.
I am nothing but a machine.
And a machine should act like a machine.

Now, another will simply take my place.
Some may search for me, hoping I am alive somewhere.
To ask me to fight for mankind, again.
To forfeit my freedom for humanity, again.

Fear not, there will always be a Raven.
Someone will stand up like I did.
Willing to sacrifice themselves.
But not 621.

In the end, I tried. I did.
Now, let me sleep, please.
I am machine, not human.
And now I am tired, as heart and body weakens.

Evil will prevail. It is the natural order.
end of playback

[Image: lUo0Zky.png]