Chronicles of Eternia
The Plague Walk: Howl of Chaos - Printable Version

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The Plague Walk: Howl of Chaos - SavvyPhantom - 10-19-2024

[Image: 7e8372add0aa2cea410cd05d1be2606c.jpg]
It was believed that Saekanis awoke and crossed these lands, spreading a disease that wreaked havoc upon everything touched. Spreading the disease like a river with multiple veins to divide itself, the Winter Wolf did not touch those born with its visage. Saekanis continued to dart around the lands, moving about corrupting the soil and killing off murderers.
Soldiers, bandits, and the unlucky started to fall to the plague. Dying within the first week after the plague spread in Esshar, Saekanis had found itself followed by a tribe. They followed the Plague Wolf's movements through the land until it found itself brought with many survivors of the plague and spirit seekers.

These spirit seekers were placating the wolf, though they could not stave off that hunger. The plague continued to fester in the land and those who survived would be turned into midnight-haired, sharp-fanged Ookami who had a connection to the wild lands. Those lands have a deep connection to the Plague Wolf, they hold a high attunement to the wilds.
A beastkin will not be hurt; the plague is old but could still linger, and non-Beastkin suffer some negative effects from stepping upon these lands. This means one will have to step with quickness to not have lingering effects. The beast enjoys sinka as a heavy part of its rituals, bring many and maybe the beast will bless you with a boon to resist these effects.

Travel to where they communed with Saekanis and offer a way to sate the beast to earn a boon or fight a champion long forgotten by the hunt. It is a choice made by the travelers.
Many challenges will be in your way, enemies to face, chaos to be seen. What will you say when you see the Plague Wolf? How will you treat the plague wolf? These answers are only found by stepping upon that land, he calls to those who seek the destruction of their enemies. The hunter is going to continue to hunt, but how far are you going to go for the power to destroy those who seek to maim you constantly?
Take this map. Take these markers, you will need them.

Kin From The Past.
The Hunter seeks to be hailed as such, so upon the lands of Plague, they step to commune with the nature of old—a land of plague that was filled with war and death but rebirth with tuning to nature. Chaos warped into worship for those born from death to find a new life, seeking a warrior out to find those paths others took. A challenge lies in front of the Hunters/warriors who follow that path with tests to see the skill and will of those who push forward. Zamekiri is told to follow this path, dragging along friends to follow this path. A Hunter's rite to become one with nature to find if they can attune with it.

Attendees: Zamekiri K. Mugen, Gwyndolyn P. Kasca + 3 Others (Full Party!)
Risk: The Hunter Must Respect the Hunt, CoD/HCoD
Reward: Saekanis Lore/Saekanis Based Dev Rewards/Saekanis' Gift
Themes: Choice Between Asena and Saekanis, Esshar Plague Land Stuff, Chaos, Hunting, Creation and Destruction
DM: Please be mine! My First event!
Contact (discord): protectkanna