Chronicles of Eternia
Sylvanaum - The hope of all - Printable Version

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Sylvanaum - The hope of all - Myradin - 05-25-2020

Just putting this here too because I don't want it to get lost in discord suggestions, but can we have Sylvanaum added into /nerfs please. I need to know when to snort another line so my slowly fraying insanity is somewhat kept in check.

RE: Sylvanaum - The hope of all - Trenton - 05-25-2020

That's the thing about crack;

RE: Sylvanaum - The hope of all - Jess - 05-25-2020

Does it not show with /potion ?

RE: Sylvanaum - The hope of all - Myradin - 05-25-2020

It doesn't unfortunately.

RE: Sylvanaum - The hope of all - Moloch - 05-25-2020

It does, though.

[Image: slash-potions.png]

RE: Sylvanaum - The hope of all - Jess - 05-25-2020

I thought so...

RE: Sylvanaum - The hope of all - Myradin - 05-25-2020

Huuh, weird I used one before and I have nothing in /potion.... I guess it bugged, hmm