Chronicles of Eternia
Demon and Styles - Printable Version

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Demon and Styles - Lloyd Durages - 07-03-2020

Please gods, give some indication as to when a demon is using their stance's actives. It hurts when I have something like caster and I can't even tell when it's up because there's no indicator. Help!!

RE: Demon and Styles - Kazuki - 07-03-2020

This was my problem when I was playing a demon. It's frustrating to not know when your stance/aura is active and isn't active. And fighting OTHER demons with the same visual problem.

For example, A demon using shadow step. Their sprite doesn't fade black and sure you can see the speed boost and maybe the afterimages, but if they are slowed that's a big if. Same with being stunned. Can't tell if they're using Garuda either.

RE: Demon and Styles - Lloyd Durages - 07-03-2020

while we're at it fix it so demons don't randomly lose their transformations and have to retoggle their buff if we can