Chronicles of Eternia
Watering Plants - Printable Version

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Watering Plants - Magishadow - 11-30-2019

I feel like this shouldn't require someone to be your helper to do.

I think it's kind of silly that in order for someone to water your plants, you also have to give them access to your house if it's locked, your chests, build rights in your house, and the ability to harvest your plants.

My suggestion is just to allow anyone to water any plants. Nobody's going to water your plants unless they want to anyways, and I feel like promoting kindness by letting people be 'farm fairies' from time to time is a good thing.

I spaced this out because it felt like a big annoying cluster to read initially. As always, thank you for reading.

RE: Watering Plants - Magik - 11-30-2019

alternatively just delete the step and revamp farming

why is farming the one thing that requires a weird time commitment to do? Just put that shit into the ground and after some time it's good to harvest, increase energy for both if that's an issue. This isn't Stardew or Harvest Moon, there isn't a nuance to carefully cultivating your crops. If I want to make a sword I press X on a rock a few times then click on it.

Farming is already gated plenty by needing certain, limited land to do it on.