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Engi's dumb unique forging idea. - Printable Version

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Engi's dumb unique forging idea. - Enginseer-42 - 11-11-2020

Make a T1 recipe for 'Unique Weapon' that opens a menu.

You choose whether it's a sword or stave stat-wise.

You choose a base material which sets it's max stats.

Then you add in dev mats until you hit that stat-max.

So for example, say I go and make a custom Arcanium staff.

I hit the recipe, it opens the menu.

I choose staff.

It gives me a list of base materials that costs 3-6 of that mat.

In this case, Arcanium.

A minimum of 30 power and a max of 60.

Then I add my special Mc-special ore that gives a +1 to fire def and another 10 power.

So we're at 40 power, and +1 fire def.

And then it's finished. Bam I have the staff of the Dragon-botherer.

The idea is basically you pre-make the stat boosts various dev-items have and whatever material you use as the base of the unique sets a max for how many dev items you can include in the weapon.

RE: Engi's dumb unique forging idea. - Jumpy - 11-11-2020

that just takes away every bit of interesting RP process and mystery of "what stats will I get" out of the equation.
it turns crafting into a number's game rather than cool flavor and interesting rp.
it takes away opportunities of having admins think "this rp is really cool, they should get more".

this is a bad take on a nonexistent problem

RE: Engi's dumb unique forging idea. - Trenton - 11-11-2020

i feel like it completely takes away from the actual flair and spark of making a unique weapon

RE: Engi's dumb unique forging idea. - CrystikRage - 11-11-2020

agree with the above two, there's no need to make an odd mechanical system for forging uniques in-game when you can just apply for them using those materials and make something more personalized.