Chronicles of Eternia
Polymorph - Printable Version

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Polymorph - OMNI - 11-15-2020

Remove the shockwave effect that it just loves to make permanent, make it on-target and raise the cooldown by a few seconds, make its range 6.

As it is now, it's buggy and not really worth using due to being very, very close range, low durationĀ and much smaller hit radiusĀ than the actual visual.

Alternatively, just remove Polymorph from the fairy racials and give Empathy back in its place. Maybe tweak the descriptors that Empathy returns, too, to reflect how the RPL system has changed a bit.

RE: Polymorph - Milly - 11-15-2020

keep polymorph.
it's cute and fun.

RE: Polymorph - OMNI - 11-15-2020

Just as long as it gets fixed/reworked instead of disabled entirely. I'd like for it to actually have range in combat if it's gonna have combat purposes...

Even if I got a good laugh out of Chance setting it to 1000 mana cost after I tested it and left an extra vibrant shockwave in the process.

RE: Polymorph - Jumpy - 11-15-2020

just let the cute spell be cute damn.