Chronicles of Eternia
On The Application of Cosmic Magic - Printable Version

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On The Application of Cosmic Magic - rea - 11-14-2019

[Image: ef9d00ccc3ac201666ab8e7cd4a182638a9f461c.jpg?1608456]
In the beginning, there was light. 

Dotting the endless expanse of the night sky are countless, infinite specks of light. Since the beginning of mankind, since the Creator first made this shard in his image of the Archangels, people have looked to the stars alighting the Heavens above for all manner of reasons. They find comfort in the constellations made by connecting the dots, they find faith in the named stars that burn the brightest, they find love by laying beneath the glittering blackness with an object of their affection, they find their way home by looking for the brightest, northern light in the sky after a long and waning journey.  

And, for most, they find power.

The endlessly burning stars above house infinite mana — some believe enough to create another universe, and then still have enough residual power to create the stars once again. For those without strength — and, for those who seek strength — tapping into the mana of the world is among the most common applications of magic.

Just as stewing in and absorbing the cardinal Elements of Earth, Wind, Water and Fire are steps a beginner mage, so is taking in the endless energy of the skies above and using it in supplement of their own. This may be to reach for strength for the weak, it may be used by those already strong to maintain their strength.

Of course, using endless magic when you, yourself, are not endless comes with drawbacks — it can be dangerous if not used correctly. For those too hungry for power who take on more than a human body should be capable of, it is extremely common to permanently damage the circuits of your body and find yourself even more powerless than you began.

You should not — you cannot — treat yourself as larger than the stars. You are not, you never will be. They are not a tool for you to use - some may say that it is you that is their tool. To cause effect, to fully utilize their endless power on the ground below, the stars need a human conduit to pass on their strength.

The stars were here before you — they will be here after you. Should they be treated as a grasp for power rather than an honoured blessing, you will surely find yourself destroyed.