KINGremedy for a broken heart
i hate that i'm afraid to love.

[Image: J1gnenf.jpg]

"Please say something. Anything.
Dad... Why won't you talk to me?"


a noise that has haunted me for as long as i can remember.
he wouldn't speak, he wouldn't move.
it all happened so suddenly.
i can still remember his smile, that charming grin of his.
his eyes practically shut when he was happy.
now they're always open... 


he was basically dead.
and nothing i tried could bring him back to life.
maybe he was trying... maybe he wanted to laugh and smile, but he couldn't anymore.
she robbed him of that right.

and i'll never forgive her for it.
but i want to know why.
why go out of your way to break that man's heart?
why go out of your way to rob your son of a real father?
why go out of your way to prevent your child from ever loving again?

i'll never know.

but i do know love is the single most dangerous weapon in this world.

[Image: 1I6Puai.png]

though maybe the risk is worth the reward...
maybe i can risk shattering my crystal heart for someone.

perhaps the remedy for a broken heart is loving again.
[Image: unknown.png]
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