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- While fairies are traditionally nomadic, they have been known to form strong communities. Whether out of need, or simply because they enjoy each others company. They do not have the natural drive to form large societies, but rather take joy from small and intimate communes.
- While fairies are traditionally nomadic, they have been known to form strong communities. Whether out of need, or simply because they enjoy each others company. They do not have the natural drive to form large societies, but rather take joy from small and intimate communes.
- For a fairy, their name is truth. Each Fairy names themselves when they come of age. This instinctual tradition has lead to a scarcity of lineages, and the lack of a need for a surname. Their naming structure is often Elvish in nature, though the consequence of naming yourself can lead to outliers.  
- For a fairy, their name is truth. Each Fairy names themselves when they come of age. This instinctual tradition has lead to a scarcity of lineages, and the lack of a need for a surname. Their naming structure is often Elvish in nature, though the consequence of naming yourself can lead to outliers.  
- Fairies prefer to form structures out of natural, living materials. You will rarely find them existing in bare stone housing, the exception being a lack of viable plant life and materials present.
- It is very offensive to call them small. They are not small. You are just a giant.
- It is very offensive to call them small. They are not small. You are just a giant.

Revision as of 02:16, 13 February 2021

Fairies (Commonly known as Fae among their own kind and scholars) are noted as being one of the smallest intelligent races in Eternia. They measure roughly the size of a human hand, with often a stark degree of variation in their body mass. They also appear to have a natural grasp of the angelic tongue. Though, due to their isolated natures, they have been known to create unique languages only they could understand. Perhaps it is to keep the trees from spilling their secrets, or to unify under a single flag brought on by a dark master. Whatever the case, they are noted as being some of the oddest creatures you can meet. Both in appearance and mannerisms. By nature they are nomadic, only coming together when something requires it. Often, they have been found to exhibit the features of bugs in the environments they were born into. Their features can range from very human, to extremely bug-like.

The most often characteristic is they have some form of wings. The most common and historically praised variants are butterfly wings.

Their greatest strength and most damning property has to do with their bodies themselves. Fairy remains are prized by Alchemists across the globe for their extraordinary magical properties. This has lead to Fairies often avoiding human contact, appearing only for those they deem trustworthy. For a race that knows what is within your heart, personal connection is paramount. Fairies are found almost anywhere there are forests and plants, often leaving behind blooms of flowers as they are born into this world. Fairies are, by their nature, sacred beings. Exemplifying the aspect of exorcism, they are naturally caring and regretfully determined. Still, they are not immune to the darkness of the world. There are a corrupted kind that lurk in the darkness, their taint spreading and mangling nature around them. Dark Fairies exist, but not by choice. Their existence is one of tragedy, with powerful corrupting forces having stolen from them their light. The affects of the occultism needed to convert them is overpowering to their minds, and damning. For to be without their light is to part with their mother tree. While dark fairies can still sense Yggdrassil, they cannot interpret her desires. This often leads to unorthodox methods to please her, if they even want to anymore.

Lost Fairy Tale

In the time immemorial, when the world was but a sleeping gem, a great seed was planted. A tree like no other sprawled to life in the heart of a dead Realm. For where it was rooted and what was to become of its legacy, its name spoke of a promise bound from time. From its branches the world was held, with life spreading up from its roots and piercing past the highest peak. It was from this seed that Eternia blossomed, it was from this tree that all the dead returned to its roots. At first, the tree was alone. Always left to usher in the cycles, to hold the world up upon itself. It was lonely, for it had a heart. One that was slow to feel, but aching in its pain like no other. Yggdrassil, the Tree of life, was giant tree surrounded by lush forests, but one without any to enjoy its garden save for the great dragon, who nested upon her top and took solace in her healing vines. He was her greatest company, though she was never quite alone. Her branches saw all of the world forming around her, but like someone staring through a window, she was but an observer to a life being lived. The great dragon, pained by the trees loneliness, attempted to comfort her. But though she was grateful for his company she knew he could not always be there. The great dragon left soon, called away by his duties to the Spirit Realm. It was some time later that the first humans were to be born. Wondrous children of the maker, they had boundless potential within them. The capacity for great good. But also, for great tragedy. Soon, an event occurred that none prepared for. The first infant to die, the first stillborn youth, the first heir denied their birthright. Spirits were born from these great losses, ones that were too young to understand what path to walk. Ryujin, the greatest dragon of them all, looked on with pity. He ventured into the farthest depths of the spirit realm and helped to guide these lost spirits back into the light. Under his great wings he cushioned them, flying far into the central ring where Yggdrassil stared on in sadness. "These poor ones," the tree whispered. "Lost and alone... Unable to grow and accept..." A branch curled towards the great dragon. It reached out, gently placing a leaf upon the head of a young spirit. Its form changed, its body becoming a fraction of its natural size. Large enough to sit on flowers of wondrous colours, with wings that could help them to reach the highest fruit. The youth flew way then, drawn in by the scent of poppylus in bloom. Ryujin stared back at the great tree. The two then understood what was to be done. The great mother tree took wardship over the lost and helpless, offering them her inner-most sanctum to call their home. Protected and afforded the every chance to grow and learn from what her branches saw, the youths soon understood what was wrong with the world. Human capacity for great good could lead to starkly great evils. Magic that harms the fabric of the lifestream was injuring their mother, bringing her great pain and suffering and entire branches withered under the strain. Continents were destroyed, entire peoples were wiped out to genocide. The garden, for all of its waning beauty, was nothing like the world they saw. A promise was made that day by the Fae children. They would protect their mother from all of this suffering and help to guide nature back towards the healing light. Conceding to the youths kind words, the great tree offered them the chance to leave. To embark from her inner sanctum and touch the world of the living. But like all things, there was a cost for leaving the Spirit Realm. She promised them that when their time ends, she would guide them home. But she could not allow them to tell her secrets. Though she was sure they would relent, choosing instead to live out their days in peace, so many of them refused to allow their mother to bare this alone. Much of her wondrous children left the garden that day, each with a little shard of Yggdrasil inside of them. Mother and child both know they will never be alone again.


Fairies are capable of various magical feats, many of which are largely unknown to humans. Though they usually all practice Holy Magic, some of them stray off into their own magical expertise - and are generally quite good at it. The average fairy is several times more magically proficient than an average human, and almost never deplete their natural mana source.

A well-practiced fairy can out-perform even magi, but their small bodies limit their physical abilities, often forcing them to rely on more Arcane means of doing manual tasks. They resort to using shields and barriers to protect them, and when those fail, die very easily.

Known fairy abilities are:

  • Magically potent. The magical power within a fairy is at such a high potency that a natural glow of mana exudes from their body, illuminating their flesh and causing them to sparkle.
  • Healing. With the mana that a fairy exudes, a fine dust falls amidst it, passively healing the fairy as well as anything it touches (For Occult Fae, they siphon the lifeforce around them passively). The dust can heal minor injuries within minutes after taking effect, closing small gashes and preventing bruising. Though a secondary, spiritual ability exists that few Fae would willingly bring up, as it comes at great cost to themselves to allow for the removal of even the most desperate of injuries.
  • Empathy. Fairies are Empaths that can pick up on vague intentions as well as a person's state of mind. This effective range can extend up to a mile in radius, explaining the creatures general ability to hide within nature unseen. Going further, depending on their experience, they can analyse the mana of others, noting the differences and able to recognize an individuals signature. This makes them excellent trackers.


- While fairies are traditionally nomadic, they have been known to form strong communities. Whether out of need, or simply because they enjoy each others company. They do not have the natural drive to form large societies, but rather take joy from small and intimate communes. - For a fairy, their name is truth. Each Fairy names themselves when they come of age. This instinctual tradition has lead to a scarcity of lineages, and the lack of a need for a surname. Their naming structure is often Elvish in nature, though the consequence of naming yourself can lead to outliers. - Fairies prefer to form structures out of natural, living materials. You will rarely find them existing in bare stone housing, the exception being a lack of viable plant life and materials present. - It is very offensive to call them small. They are not small. You are just a giant.

Racial notes

- Spirit-Like creatures that age and grow. Though they are intimate with the lifestream, their knowledge of it is based on pure instinct. They naturally view the lifestream as an extension of their mother, Yggdrasil.

- Dark (Occultist) fairies do not exist naturally. It takes something horrific to cause them; A targeted tainting by an overwhelming force.

- Up to a certain point they age about two times slower than humans. By the time they reach their forties they are the equivalent of an eighteen year old. By then they seem to physically stop aging.

- All fairies have a natural expiration date. It is not quite 'aging' but their bodies grow weaker until their mana can no longer sustain them. They calcify.

- For the most part Fae are produced from the Spirit Realm itself. Their essence takes form in nature, one can even imagine them appearing from a newly opened flower pod. But on rare occasions they can and do come from the unity of a pair of elder Fae who create an egg by merging their 'mana essence'. It acts as a vacant doorway for a newly formed fairy to come through and be born.

- While either Holy or Occult for the most part, they are not required to delve far into their natures. They may focus on their own individual elements. - Though one should decide which side their character ventures, because it greatly impacts your characters personality and the consequences of your existing.

- Fairies have a natural gravitation towards the wilderness. They often feel a sense of unease within Cities that have tamed the surrounding nature, often requiring acclimation before they feel comfortable with their surroundings. Fairies cannot turn their empathy off short of mutilation, so cities are kind of like if you walked into a concern and a hundred bands were playing at once.

- Folklore aside, one can often consider Fairies to be the keepers of the wild. Often found helping creatures in need and healing them with their magic. From plants, to the smallest of animals; Their Empathy is universal and they tend to take great care about their impact on their surroundings.