ChanceFollowing the events of the Hollow World...
VDALI, the God of Calamity

[Image: gNYTWPT.png]'You would damn me to an eternity of torture?! I hate. Hate you ALL!'

The bindings of Vdali were purposely weakened by a god of the highest of authority. Natural assumptions might lead one to assume Caius, but the pariah was keenly watched and known to be presently occupied at the time. Following the Awakening, the Primordial of Destruction took advantage of the most potent gateway from the underworld to Meranthe: The Tower of Aetius. Many witnessed as the majority of the runegates of Aetius were shattered and repurposed to form a great icy portal into the Hollow World; this gateaway now remains inactive in the main halls of the spire, closed off. It is the ultimate prison of the divine, where there is no escape, a mirror reflection of the continent of Meranthe on the darkest edges of the void.

While sealed once more, the situation is far from stable, and the influence of Vdali can be felt in Meranthe now and in the future. Those that might feel a kinship to the Scorned One in occultism and aspire for the mantle of becoming a true Death Knight.

Despite succumbing to the harshest of maimings after facing off against those of the Lighthouse, the Atrellyans overcame the parties of Delphina and Gloomlight to make away with the Heart of Vdali; the primordial will not succumb to rest for as long as they are without their soul. Of all the objects in the cosmos this is one of the most dangerous and potent, limitless power to those who know how to harness it.


This quarrelling occurrence has led to a splinter of loyalties within the Outer Realms. A series of events quickly transpire, and while the greater details of the heavens cannot be known in its entirety, the Radiants of Meranthe will feel and hear the vague outcomes and turbulence.


➤Those that wish to maintain Vdali's imprisonment, as the force of destruction is too unstable to gamble with and have taken up arms towards this cause: Enarr, Mestra, Ualdir
Those that wish to attempt to find solace for their brother, even if the repercussions may be great for all and have taken up arms towards this cause: Athelios, Caius, Gala
Those that have yet to take a side, and currently remain independent within the feud: Nemea, Chireus
➤The wounding of Ualdir; struck down, near fatal. The details of which are unknown to Meranthe's faithful save for the sensation of the blow.
➤More IC information will follow in a separate post as this situation develops.


The Runegates of Aetius are gone or scattered. But a few remain in the Tower of Aetius. These have appeared as unusual, outward constructs across the continent; warping the regions where they dwell, as points of convergence between Meranthe and the cosmos. In this battle between the divine, it is possible to aid or strike out at a deity by finding and exploring one of these dungeons, whether it's an attack upon their warriors or the claiming of a prized relic of warfare. What you do in the years to come may impact the fate of this ongoing conflict.


The Lighthouse of Agartha is a marvel wrought by the intentions of the angel’s touched, that for the past half a thousand years has stood as a testament. Heroes whose hearts have grown heavy and who have offered love, kindness, and understanding sheathe their blades here: Dedicating themselves to passing down knowledge, wandering forth and offering disguised boons and blessings. The patron of the tower, the angel Elisheva, must sequester herself in Avalon by her very nature- But this Lighthouse, shaped by one of her very own wards: Calael Kang, is a slice of heaven itself for her to visit. Throughout the eras, rare individuals scouted by those aged watchers, the Keepers of the Lighthouse, are inducted into their ranks. Most have their lifespans extended to keep the vigil, but in this day and era, a new generation rose over the hundreds of years as the eldest have chosen to pass their lamps down to the new generation.

For the passing of a few seasons, it is visibly distant off the far shores of Meranthe. Those that seek its Light might find themselves aboard...

Like many other great forces, the Skeletal Dragon was drawn in at the prospect of exploring the Hollow World and claiming resources for its eternal goal. It can occasionally be seen flying across Meranthe in this pursuit; the Lich Lord Nidaz a particularly inhospitable tyrant. It is advised to avoid this vessel.

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Visions of, Hatred, Calamity, and Death

The Summit revealed the influence of Vdali, and his instable state while lacking the heart taken by Atrellya; as if a passage between the sealed god and the object is constant. And its tunnels are the scattered Aetius dungeons. But also that Emissaries had been conjured within Meranthe and Beyond- those who nearly destroyed Ualdir.

In times passing, those with a dark seed in their heart might witness an unusual, vivid vision. Where their dreams and longing are revealed, and a mirror is placed to their soul, revealing every flaw.  Across from them stands a shadowed figure, observing.

If you encountered such a dream, then wake knowing it may not be the last.
(This is aimed to those who might be susceptible to nefarious pacts.)

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