ChanceBug Reports
when ive used shoulder burden it has let me choose, if this is true it is new..
[Image: c603523eebb1995b6af75201658c5a0c.gif]
shadow-walk bugs out camouflage/assassins shroud and makes it so ur detectable by /scout.
Meteor turns invisible on release. I'm not too sure exactly what procs it since it seems to happen with me just casting it regularly.

My buff and stance are: Starlight Overdrive + Marksman Style if it helps any.
Also a Cambion.
(Have the gyazo recording.)
To add to this. Each trigger causes the crowns glow to increase, visual glitch.

Edit : I pressed quote, why didn't it tag my report, gg. But Crown of Authority still doesn't activate in RPB.
[Image: TwoSigs.png][Image: unknown.png]
Lifebomb still isn't stunning on drag, please fix so I don't get owned by people pressing invulns during it thank you.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Occult imps still isn't taking damage. I sparred with someone on it with my tempest char and the tempest AOE didn't catch any of them even when casted right next to it. When I fought a demon on my neph char, only my true counter & Deflecting palm did ANY damage to it. Nothing else did damage - Not beams or minefield or pyro.

- Attack works fine.
- The invulnerability broke again. I don't know why- it was working for a bit then I believe the latest update spaghetti'd it again.
- Still randomly silences the caster for 6-10 sec upon a successful counter. You can tell when this happens due to a significantly louder FX and massive knockback to the opponent.

Glacial Lance 2.0
[Image: image.png][Image: image.png]
Cambion have the Neries cosmic recolour and it only works half the time.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Custom props are defaulting back to layer 3 and not keeping the layer you submit for it.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Danger XP resets every fight, for those actively fighting throughout the day they get the XP bonus once and the timer consistently resets upon each fight done within the time limit making it punishing towards those that actively fight throughout the day verse once maybe twice pushing back the bonus[racial or not] further and further each time. Taken the scene XP regardless of this is nice it just seems very....Lackluster this happens
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