ChanceBug Reports
steam burst doesnt damage the touhou obelisks

edit: it does if you target it but it is impossible to keyboard target those so you have to be a fps master i guess

also applies to other summons when unlocked
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Illusion Flurry currently deals 3 ticks of 7sd for a total of 21, as opposed to the intended 2 ticks of 7sd for a total of 14.

I'm sincerely hoping nobody is playing Illusion at the raid today.
you can jump while downed from capture
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Weird issue involving dungeons and sometimes quests.

In this case, while on a dungeon, I hit the boss with Ivory rupture, calcium coil (Which is an autohit that cannot miss), void cutter etc. However, I didn't receive the coins for the boss after defeating the dungeon. The pop up did come into play but it didn't give me my coins. I'm not certain about exp since I didn't /activity before the dungeon.

Got resolved but just dropping the bug report here. No idea what caused it or how to recreate it.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Describe the issue: Long-Distance Riftmancy deleting locations doesn't work.
Or, as the HUD says, 'Delte Location'

How to reproduce: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i beg
Invigorate cast lock non existence, you can just walk and use it. This some spooky stuff boys!!!
Adventurer as a whole seems to be significantly more bugged than initially thought.

currently, adventurer job is not rewarding proper money for:

Caves dungeon
Chuggums quest
Fae powder quest

The EXP reward however, is fine. But for some reason your coins rather than being 120%, is 1. Not 1%, just 1 coin.


This is actually very strange.
It appears to be a display bug with coins.
In fact, it seems like coins on character sheet is not updating at all.

Currently the game claims I have 6 coins on my character sheet, yet I can drop large way more.
Debug has confirmed I actually have way more money than is currently being displayed (12091 coins, specifically) but for some reason the character sheet is not updating coin tracker.

Quests aren't bugged, the sheet is just not updating correctly
Medic mentor is broken, ironically doing exactly what the holy mentor used to do.

[Image: a34d2b66e0484af3c0baa1eb5c317a1d.png]

Even if the person you are trying to mentor has the rpp it refuses to let you mentor them.
a shoutout to all the bug abusers in the chat, but i had to shut this one down.
Illusion Flurry currently ticks 3 times at 7sd, instead of the intended 2 x 7sd.
[Image: 950bd24562fd0a1e643e16f5a10aa3e1.png]
[Image: 0908ba6169e9dbd983d4047952c368ac.gif]
No Edmunds were hurt in the making of this post. I promise.
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