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DM Chance - Printable Version

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RE: DM Chance - erside - 08-18-2024

Character: Yugram
Which Event: Meranthe's Twelve [HEIST]

Responsiveness: VERY fast, all things considered. This was a huge event with a lot of lore behind everything, so the speed of how it all happened felt smooth and easy. There was a bit of lag towards one of the middle points, but past it everything flowed. 8/10
Balance: Fights felt pretty nice! One or two curve balls to keep us on our toes for difficulty, and considering that there was death. The Mechanics, which I will come back to later, also felt like very nice ways of evening the playing field! The fight before the last MAY have been quite a bit difficult, with a few autohits and -DR hits that targetted a few people, but overall it was very nice. 9/10
Storytelling: Easily the best part of this event. I can't particularly get too much into it, unless I want to spoil anyone who reads this review, but every single expectation I had for this aspect of the heist was met and MORE. Absolutely love the characterization of these lore figures, with some behaving in an unexpected way that looking back at it, made me think 'Oh of course X behaves like this. No wonder everyone hates him'. The Lore drops that happened for Atrellya also helped cement it quite well, and I feel as though every little bit of it mattered towards the future!! 11/10
Fairness: Absolutely amazing. We were given TTRPG stats with different bonuses depending on the people brought to the event, it felt like everything was done to make every single person who was part of the event have their own important role. Team composition, preparations, everything was taken into account and given life in creative ways that made everything just click together perfectly. The most important part for all of this was that it was a FUN event. Being able to visit different parts of the city we went to also made it quite nice, as well as engaging in their own respective events to help us infiltrate the castle with different routes to take. As for the rewards, I can't particularly speak on them, but seeing a glimpse of what was given, I have to say that they are most definetly worth every single drop of blood given. 10/10.

Overall: 10/10.

Any other comments: can i have a character that raises his children next time

RE: DM Chance - Coroneljones - 08-18-2024

Character: Garret Richter [Lazarus]
Which EventMeranthe's Twelve [HEIST]

Responsiveness : Overall, great pacing considering party size. (We dont talk about me arriving late due to a haircut, or having to go AFK right at the start of the first fight for dinner.)
Balance : It was an EXTREME Chance of Death Event, and it was balanced around that fact. All of the fights were brutal in some way (woe, tesla rapid fire and ice spikes. Or the Lykon fight for example) but that was expected with the risk.
Storytelling : Unique characterization of Atrellyan society that showed its depth, along with some more reveals of where its turning it attention. The Demon King was too based too.
Fairness : EXTREME Chance of Death, the injury chart said it all, and the unique mechanics for the event helped give a chance. Any problems that befell the party were from IC consequences of our actions, as is fair.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: The Atrellyan Hyperbolic Time Chamber is REAL.

RE: DM Chance - Dandeli - 08-18-2024

Character: Melionette
Which Event (10/10): Meranthe's Twelve (TWELVE?)
Responsiveness(10/10): Incredibly responsive, quick narrations that were written very cutely! Considered the actions of party members very closely, allowing for a lot of unique interactions. Very much enjoyed the inclusion of stats, including the part where everyone with 1 WISDOM walked into the Danger Room and experienced year-long catatonic torture.
Balance (10/10): I think only God saved the party. Fights were hard, but survivable. I saw the gates of heaven when X shot a giant energy rapidfire into me while I was in an aoe circle. I DID miss one of the fights due to falling asleep because I am WEAK and PATHETIC but I'm going to trust it was a banger.
Fairness (10/10): Again, I think only God saved the party. That injury chart was insane.
Storytelling (10/10): Cannot speak for everything, but Atrellya felt very believable, there was some really cool worldbuilding, all characters felt organic - including the 3 little cambion children that threw a rock at my head and the scammer slug. The build-up was amazing, felt just like progression through, let's say, a DND campaign. Uwaaah! I loved it!!!
Overall: 11/10


RE: DM Chance - Coherent Fantasy - 08-18-2024

Character: Anteias
Which EventMeranthe's Twelve [HEIST]

Responsiveness : The pacing was great, considering what the event was. The narrations were super fast! Nothing to complain about.
Balance : It was an extreme COD, but I genuinely do appreciate how the bosses we fought had mechanics, and they just didn't walk around spamming AOEs, it was like an actual boss
Storytelling : 11/10
Fairness : It was very well-balanced, everyone receiving something and being treated equally throughout

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: RIP....

RE: DM Chance - ry0un0suke - 08-18-2024

Character: Sunsets over Moonlight

Which Event: Meranthe's Twelve [HEIST]

I have always enjoyed the rare Chance events I've been on. Everything exceeded expectation, but what I enjoy most as a rare DM and attendee is more tabletop mechanics. I am bored of the three boss beat-em-up with cool narrative sprinkled in-between so luckily, this was a welcomed change of pace. Weight on character choice and balancing that with thirteen people, one of which stowed away as a result of tabletop experience was executed well. In addition to a surprise stowaway who received his flowers for being very impactful on a narrative level and as a presence making all sorts of waves for the baddies that is refreshing for this era of Meranthe.

Lots of respect overall for what people wanted to do, our failures and our successes and genuine stress over written IC action. I don't often see consequence on this level and I wish to see it extended beyond a 'certain death, someone here is gonna die' extreme CoD. In all, the event has altered my brain chemistry over how storytelling should maybe come across overall in our little RP sphere. My only complaint will be spending too long in areas I think of as 'intro' like outside the gate and barely through the gate, but we were twelve (thirteen) and trying to find our pacing while battling the 'wow someone is going to die' nerves. So just a minor complaint not directly towards the DM.


Rest in power, friend. :fist:

'Danger Room': 11/10

Overall: 10/10

RE: DM Chance - Daeut - 08-18-2024

Character: Lirael Equisol
Which Event: Meranthe's TwelveThirteen

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): not only quick, but super interactive. the attentiveness to everyone's posts was almost uncanny at times (like the guards making note of garret's careless thought that one time).

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): everyone had been given a choice to allocate their stats ttrpg style, and they had consistent ramifications throughout those wild twelve hours of runtime. those choices had weight and consequences; i think that's pretty neat. it made the junctures in between and leading up to the battles more engaging/fun than the battles themselves, in my personal view.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): the story had everything from moments of comic relief, to moments of humanizing sincerity, and real narrative severity without feeling out of place or giving tonal whiplash. it had almost everyone invested in some form, and every group that attended had a chance to shine and really feel like a part of the tale being spun by being given a chance to exercise their unique talents/skillsets.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): everyone knew what we were signing up for, and our choices still made the difference between life and death. the event was set up at several points to where it felt a single mistake or bad roll could have compromised the whole mission, and that made the high stakes feel even more authentic. it definitely feels like our elaborate ic plan to go undercover paid off in dividends, and if we didn't have it, way more people would have actually died. chef's kiss

Overall: 13/10

Any other comments: can someone permanently commend melionette for me

RE: DM Chance - ShatteredReality - 08-18-2024

Character: Vanitas Caewynn
Which Event: Meranthe's Twelve [HEIST]

Responsiveness: The Narrations were fast, and included a lot of detail at that. The pacing was perfect, which was harder to accomplish with the large level of party we had. 

Balance: As far as balance goes, it was exactly up to par with how I'd expect an extreme chance of death event. One blunder, and you could be mince meat. (i flashstepped into 5 icespikes......) The usage of party roles were also creative, I liked it the tank, healer and commander role.

Storytelling: As someone who was unfamiliar with Atrellyan customs only a little, the representation of the seven demon clans in Zokkrak made me feel immersed. Having played the role of a prisoner, it was actually somewhat fun to not stick out! 

Fairness: Rewards were according to the risk- If you were downed one too many times clumsily, you would die. And considering there was death and plenty of permanent injuries, I'd say this was also good.

Overall: 10/10, perfect.

RE: DM Chance - RainIsABirb - 08-18-2024

Character: Tandava Meanderdog
Which Event: Meranthe's Twelve [HEIST]

Responsiveness: A fair amount of pretyping and moderated length in posts resulted in an event which mostly hinged on player slowness rather than anything on the DM's part. For an event with 13(!?) players partaking in it, it shockingly only clocked in at 13 hours for quite a dense amount of interactions/occurrences and three combat encounters with nasty Atrellyans (other events with less substance have taken longer).

Balance: Chance runs ECs in an interesting manner, running attack patterns which are fairly avoidable if you can catch onto them. The power stat of the ECs was fairly high however leading to some downs which might've felt cheap for the victims, but for an event of this magnitude and risk level it turned out well enough. It is absolutely miraculous that only 1 person died; the amount of 2s I saw rolled (where a 1 would result in death) was staggering. My only gripe is the one EC not run by Chance was throwing autohits around...

Storytelling: Lots of interactions and chances for every character to shine. A perfect showdown and the first appearance of the Demon King which- despite my increasing inability to be coherent as time passed- kept me very engaged to the end. Extremely cool characterization of Atrellya and its demons, and a perfect glimpse into its wider, more mundane machinations- and what dominion means for Meranthe. The rest? FOIC!

Fairness: Rewards were given out toward the end and everyone got something, though some got more than others. Some risk-taking resulted in greater reward. Decent fairness, but I never tend to focus on rewards too much. Journey matters more.

Overall: The best event I've been on thus far, and that's not ass-kissing.

p.s. I'm locking Melionette in a small box where she will never escape from again.

RE: DM Chance - CAUDA - 08-19-2024

(08-18-2024, 03:03 PM)erside Wrote: Balance: Fights felt pretty nice! One or two curve balls to keep us on our toes for difficulty, and considering that there was death. The Mechanics, which I will come back to later, also felt like very nice ways of evening the playing field! The fight before the last MAY have been quite a bit difficult, with a few autohits and -DR hits that targetted a few people, but overall it was very nice. 9/10

(08-18-2024, 11:53 PM)RainIsABirb Wrote: Balance: Chance runs ECs in an interesting manner, running attack patterns which are fairly avoidable if you can catch onto them. The power stat of the ECs was fairly high however leading to some downs which might've felt cheap for the victims, but for an event of this magnitude and risk level it turned out well enough. It is absolutely miraculous that only 1 person died; the amount of 2s I saw rolled (where a 1 would result in death) was staggering. My only gripe is the one EC not run by Chance was throwing autohits around...

Normally I don't reply but this irked me.

That wasn't an EC, it was a PC (Lykon) put on the stats of an EC (similar to 1v5 events in the past). Unfortunately there were 13 people on this event and you guys took 8+ hours exploring prior so I assume a big boss battle was the only feasible option. The first round had the issue of agility being so high, some spells spam-fired, so I talked with the DM and he nerfed it down.

[Image: 48474750c634daf496ef1a25f13dd529.png]
This was the original bar I planned out but the DM wanted it to include less immunities, and more AOEs to make it fairer (while also changing it to a boss battle).

If you like, we can do a redo! A series of 1v1 chainverbs, dangerous 6s like I personally suggested (with my character's original stats of course).  Big Grin
You guys can even keep the invulnerability spells the DM handed out to the tanks... (who decided not to taunt Lykon ICly unlike certain others.)

... You know, I originally was very impressed with how you guys handled this PVE event. I didn't mind waiting all day/night to die, and thought you guys earned what you received, but seeing these responses now makes me wish I never accepted the invite to join it.

For transparency, I will not reveal the crazy rewards given but I do think that these posts are coming off a little entitled and... kind of unnecessarily mean given all of the uniques dropped from the character that died as well as the IC closure and implications of thumping Atrellya in the face (PVE and PVP wise). I'm sure 2 of the other 100+ players interested would have been happy to take your place.

As for my rating for the event. A Chance event classic, 10/10, the narrative and lore explored was super interesting and the character interactions on the event were lovely to watch and participate with.

RE: DM Chance - Selha - 08-19-2024

Character: Cielia Meanderwing
Which Event: Meranthe's Twelve [HEIST]

Responsiveness: Very fast narrations, and very thought out options for us. I don’t think there was much waiting time at all between everyone finishing their dots, and the next purple text coming out. When our party split up into three (four?), we each got the purple text in timely manners too that stayed relevant to what we were rping, which is kind of very cool when I sit down to think about it.

Balance: Balanced. I think the final fight maybe could have been harder, but we chose an unexpected option before fighting it which affected the original fight planned. It was also getting very late for most people too.. The second to last fight was real tense, if our surprise 13th member didn’t show up things likely would have gone a lot differently.
I also realized I really should have barred spin throw, even just lariating ECs gave me some sort of happiness I didn’t know I needed Cry

Storytelling: I loved the world-building of Atrellya, it was a lot less demon realm and a lot more evil? empire. I also enjoyed the rolls that we were able to do, and how I felt our choices were actively dictating if we would be one step closer to death or not. While the ending to the second to last fight still was the #1 highlight, both the ending scenes and hyperbolic time chamber were also mwah. Thank you, strange demon guard who kept taunting us…

Fairness: I think we rolled very very lucky. Lots of 6’s, and very little 1’s. To me, just going on the event and surviving was probably enough of a reward, but everyone getting an item with lots of dev options was a very nice cherry on top.

Overall: 13/10. Would wake up at 3am again.