ChanceDM Chance
Event Preferences: Anything that looks interesting & unique. Ideally it has the potential to have ripple effects in character development!
Preferred parties of 8 - 12.

Contact Information: Chance#5872 

Which Event:

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)


Any other comments:
Key/Character: rawrtaco / sethon
Which Event: Cult of the Forbidden Shadow

Responsiveness: very speedy. very little wait at all. dm was patient and, despite the speed at which they were spat out, they were extremely well written and thematic.
Balance: first boss had slight balance issues, but after that, every boss felt genuinely tough, and there was a visible increase in difficulty. the final boss was legitimately terrifying, and a part wipe wasn't too far off by R3.
Storytelling: wonderful. very thematic. very spooky. very cool. the tree was my personal favourite bit.
Fairness: suitably fair! felt like there was a real need to verb carefully after that first down.

Overall: 10/10, would have a spidergirl try n wed me then blow her to bits again
Key/Character: Romani cos Montclaire
Which Event: Cult of the Forbidden Shadow 

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 
10/10, Every response came very quickly and was meaningful.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?):
11/10, Some would argue that a battle that the pcs can win makes it balanced. This was a case of 'if they went full out, they could most easily decimate the pcs, but the bosses did not spam every move they could have to the point of absolutely decimating. In fact, it felt like each of the bosses were actually puzzle bosses, with a different puzzle round.

Easy to say I adored the way that the battles in this event went. (the verbal taunting in the last boss was really fun to read too.)
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):

I really liked the story telling. The ability to skip the Leafat fight if we moved fast enough, the battle against the darkwoods ent, fighting against the cultists and ultimately Yalmavanta were all very memorable.  The wood of the ent, the spirits empowering 3 pcs was, in my opinion, amazing. Going in, I felt like it would be a cultist hunt, coming out..

Events for me mainly feel self contained, like they're their own story, like a movie in an anime. This felt alive, in my opinion, like it will have lasting effects. 
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)
10/10 I liked it a lot. The punishments, I think, were fair, and if people fell the first time, they got a temp. after that they had a chance to roll. I liked that a lot, honestly. And the rewards were really neat. 

It was a really good event. I enjoyed every aspect of it. Would do again.

Any other comments:
Key/Character: Ry0un0suke/Del mer Joyau
Which Event: Cult of the Forbidden Shadow
Responsiveness: Very quick responses. Though the wait isn't ever an issue for me personally.
Balance: I believe you haven't DMed in a while so the beginning felt like a learning period but, it was pretty balanced and fun at the end. The boss fight had me sweating...
Storytelling: Very nice. Nice writing, of course, and I like callbacks to pre-timeskip.
Fairness: It felt fair to me. The injuries and loot gained.
Overall:  Solid event that didn't take six hours but was also very enjoyable!
Any other comments: DM more, stimky
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Key/Character: Malikos Caelum
Which Event: Cult of the Forbidden Shadow 

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 
10/10, Every response came very quickly and was meaningful.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?):
11/10, So good, so very good. A new twist things I've never seen.

Easy to say I adored the way that the battles in this event went. (the verbal taunting in the last boss was really fun to read too.)
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):

I really liked the story telling. The ability to skip the Leafat fight if we moved fast enough, the battle against the darkwoods ent, fighting against the cultists and ultimately Yalmavanta were all very memorable.  The wood of the ent, the spirits empowering 3 pcs was, in my opinion, amazing.

Events for me mainly feel self contained, like they're their own story, like a movie in an anime. This felt alive, in my opinion, like it will have lasting effects. 

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)
10/10 Bro hit on me as Yalmavanta, bro??? LMFAO

Too good and too the point. Really fun.

Any other comments:
rawrtaco / sethon
Which Event:
extremely quick, as always! each narration was immersive and really fun to read.
the bosses were really well balanced and really fun. with chance especially, it feels as if you're working through different phases of a boss; they're strong enough that you'll get party wiped if you're not careful with them, but he has fun with them, too. it feels like he's cycling through different movesets - some ridiculous (lightspeed spam), others scary (ten meteors blowing my ankles out). 
amazing. immersive. everything we wanted and more. the narrative we were given felt like an incredibly satisfying conclusion to our IC actions and everything we've worked toward. more than that, chance knew each and every one of our characters well - what they'd done, how they acted, their personalities and temperaments, and it made specific introspective parts of the event feel really personal and well done.
we didn't ask for much. this was never an event for OP items, but one strictly for lore, and we definitely got that and more.
one of the best events i've been on in my numerous years of playing this game. i smiled all the way through. it was long (our fault), but super rewarding from a character arc and lore perspective. thank u for the wonderful event.
Key/Character: Alexander Petrakis
Which Event: First Contract

Responsiveness: Quick, and entertaining to read. How events should be.
Balance: Pretty much what Connor said. Well balanced and accommodated for. The fights were fun most of all instead of a difficult bore and he keeps things lighthearted oocly instead of perhaps tense like they can get on other events.
Storytelling: Storytelling sits at the front of Chance's events, clearly, and anyone who attends them would know this. He puts IC above all else and knows the characters well before they join an event. You're never punished for staying true to character and he even gives you incentives to push beyond.
Fairness: Very. The lore was a reward in of itself, so everything else just added on.

Overall: extremely well done.
Key/Character: Ry0un0suke/Del mer Joyau


Which Event: The First Contract
Responsiveness: I believe the event spanned maybe five hours yet it didn't feel that way. There was a lot to unpack with each narrate and they all were engaging. Most events I grow very aware of the time
Balance: I've done events with more questionable balance but this felt like a nice sweet spot. Not only that, but each verb was fun. No silly homings or entirely unbeatable bosses. They were simply fun. Challenging but fun. There were many times I stood in the corner sobbing quietly. You've gotten better and EC balancing since the first event you ran very recently after a long DMing break.
Storytelling: The direction this was taken from the original request was wonderful. It felt so personal that I did not at all mind the hours that passed. The narrates were engaging and it wasn't really what I was expecting- In a good way. I was left surprised. Good writing, good story. The concept given was taken very well and worked and expanded on existing IC. There's a lot to work with- Both during the event and outside of it going forward.
Fairness: Breh smacked Filia's ol big mouth ass- It felt very fair to me. Especially considering what we were aiming for. I had no issues with it.
Overall:  This is by far the best event I've been on to date. The storytelling was great. It helped a lot that you were more familiar with our characters that the narrates could tie in more to them. I was just impressed from beginning to end
Any other comments: My go to DM now. There is no escape. C'mere gir. Have some cute pictures.

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Key/Character: Lloyd Durages
Which Event: First Contract

Responsiveness: The responsiveness was great, and the DM had enough time to slide in posts in-between round, capturing us enough to not have much of a problem with doing so as well. It was fast enough that it barely felt like a wait!
Balance: A mere setback on the first fight, but none afterward. It was just fun to fight all of the battles and extremely fair!
Storytelling: The storytelling was probably my favorite part on all of this. The DM knew our characters, he knew our personalities, he knew our faults and these details are what really helped set the tone that the characters and obstacles had. I liked the grandeur, and the mere fact that we got to meet an angel and other divine entities, seeing all of these cool things you'd think you wouldn't ever get the chance to see brought to life culminating in this awesome story, it's just stuff that makes you really want more of it and wished you could see this level of grandiose stuff going on more often in the actual world. I want more of it, man. 10/10.
Fairness: Considering what we got in the end? Pretty damn fair.

Overall: Loved it. Love going on grand adventures like this, and I doubt I'll ever get the chance to do something like this again soon with this DM, but if I do I'll be real happy.
Key/Character: Nebula Lockwood / Dani
Which Event: Star Reaper

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Not bad but I wish we didn't do this so late... The lives of EU people matter too...
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 10/10 from the npcs that downed cerise to the line of 20 meteors that kept shooting even after i downed
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): very cute and really fulfilling. it's not always easy to find opportunities to crack up my charmed knowledge and go full witch mode, so i had a lot of fun
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): uhm...

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Overall: thanks for the sin magic

Any other comments: when do i get to meet the centipede again..?
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