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DM Chance - Printable Version

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RE: DM Chance - Egomaniacal - 01-08-2022

Character: Sylas Pelleaux
Event: Fatebreaker

Responsiveness: Narration was on entirely point. We barely had to way past five minutes, and there wasn't a single lull or pause in the middle of the event.

Balance: Exceptional. Even despite how ludicrous some of the attack might've seemed like appearance-wise? They weren't overpoweringly crippling. You weren't dead after a single string of attack, and fortunately we had an excellent healer to keep us alive. Fair balance.

Storytelling: Having had only general knowledge of witchcraft, or Alma's plight. As I was a surprise guest, the story and background was well-presented and easily understood. The stakes set were excellent, and believable.

Fairness:  I got downed once, and rolled a one. Thus a lighter, but still costly EXTREME temp-injury. Plus the rewards made accidentally going on that event quite worthwhile, plus the experience.

Overall: Wonderfully DMed. As I hinted to, I hadn't planned on going on this event, I was in the general area. But I'm really happy that I did, I feel like the storybeats were great, and I got eased into the event to the point where it felt right to be there. Cheers to chance. Best event that I've actually had in E3 so far.

Any other comments:

RE: DM Chance - Lammy - 01-08-2022

Character: Aquila Yakim-Belmonte
Event: Fatebreaker

Responsiveness: Quick, funny narrations that fit the theme well and made a lot of people feel included as well. Even though it was 3 am, you made it feel like it was prime time.

Balance: I was whipped 20 times for calling the Nethardin a pussy. I was then knocked unconscious because of an invisible bone spike. Regardless of those, I loved every single second of it and the balance was amusing at least. I did not enjoy being chased down to the point of death's door proc, but at least you knew that and didn't stay on my ass.

Storytelling: You should write a short story and sell it.

Fairness: I think everything was fair. I feel very sorry for Reyndzer though.

Overall: Wonderfully DMed.

Any other comments: can i get telepathy for free

RE: DM Chance - Nerdlord57 - 01-08-2022

Character: Whitney J. Driscoll
Event: Fatebreaker

Responsiveness: Narrations were great and I didn't mind waiting for them when I did. The only time the responses stuttered was because it was late. Damn good work.

Balance: About as good as you could get with this sort of event. Dangerous and if you misplayed you would be married to the ground, but overall? Balanced as Hel 

Storytelling: Give me more. I need more of this shit. Who else do I gotta go into a Helscape for?

Fairness:  Honestly for the stakes in this event? I'm SURPRISED it was this fair.

Overall: WI need to get on more of your events because even if it's something like this, or something simple, I'm sure it's going to be a blast. Fuck I even forgot ITEMS were an option here.

Any other comments: Yeehaw.

RE: DM Chance - Eulogy - 01-08-2022

Character: Alma Crowley
Event: Fatebreaker

Responsiveness: Excellent. Never felt like I waited too long for a post given the context.

Balance: it really made me feel like a true fatebreaker

Storytelling: Very good. The settings, the bosses, and their dialogue all fit the desired tone.

Fairness: Felt very fair, especially with where the characters were.

Overall: Great overall, would definitely have an event from this DM again.

Any other comments: the return policy on souls is kind of bad lmao

RE: DM Chance - Ranger - 01-08-2022

Character: Reyndzer Kovac
Which Event: Fatebreaker

Responsiveness: 10/10, I held him back most of the time.
Balance: i ran away a lot and it was justified so very balanced
Storytelling: Everything fit the desired tone 100%, and it felt as important as it was.
Fairness: Extremely fair, although I do think that getting a perm for dying to invisible bones was a bit much for me. Losing the only item that was useful to me was :/ but that's not the DM's issue in the slightest

Overall: i put meme in a puzzle and got a 12 day temp 10/10

RE: DM Chance - Cloutio2x - 01-08-2022

Character: Hain Dayndros
Event: Fatebreaker

Responsiveness: He went crazy, we didn't have to wait too long, around 5-10 mins usually. I can't remember any emotes taking too long at all from anyone.

Balance: Hmmmm. Shit felt like a real raid boss, attack patterns and all that jazz, and it wasnt a super high hp amount but to balance that the damage was insane. Rlly cool.

Storytelling: Usually events stories tend to be a bit dry, but I liked this one there was a lot here with the characters present and we got to free our girl's soul

Fairness: I came in a regular Rhoynish, I left a bad bitch, and I rolled like a god. So yes I feel like it was fair.

Overall: Top 3 events I ever been on, and it number 3

Any other comments: 12 Years of Clout iykyk (nerf whips)

RE: DM Chance - Georgiana40 - 01-10-2022

Character: Luna Pelleaux
Which Event: Call of dying light - Eos temple

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Everything was posted pretty quick, pretty fast then any events that I've attended. 10/10
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The battles were quite intense at times, seeing myself koed in an instant was really funny and the puzzle was very fun, a bit too easy if I may say but I'm not complaining. Super fun. 10/10
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): I loved how the story progressed, I was a bit anxious at first, not gonna lie. I enjoyed leading the event alongside Jeanne, this being my first time leading in an event and I loved every moment of it. 10/10
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) Everything was really fair, at some point I didn't even think we would get any rewards, which I would of been totally fine with since the event was so fun and it had a lot of meaning to me IC. I love the reward I got, but the best reward was to see Eos in person, so hey double win for me. 10/10

Overall: Awesome event, I loved every moment of it. 10/10!!!!

Any other comments: Great story and I love that you were able to fit within the time frame, considering I had to sleep at a certain time, seeing the event end before my bedtime was a great bonus. AMAZING!!!!  Heart

RE: DM Chance - NeatherRealmer - 01-10-2022

Character: Sting
Which Event:  Call of dying light - Eos temple

Responsiveness: Very fast-paced and exceptional narrations every single time.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The battles were no breeze and the puzzle had a chunk of risk if they were gotten wrong. It certainly benefits the play smarter and not Unga Boonga. Was interesting to see the different mechanical techniques taken throughout the fights with various abilities in a manner I have never seen in my years of playing.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): It was a fun adventure that had a beginning, spooky and puzzling middle, and climactic ending. From the leap of faith to the puzzles, I really enjoyed it.

Fairness: I believe this was good, the punishment to reward ratio was extremely balanced.

Overall: 10/10 would get permed again.

Any other comments: I rolled a 1 because medic curse follows me wherever I go, that said had a blast and would be more than happy to be on any event run by Chance.

RE: DM Chance - Milly - 01-10-2022

Character: Myrine
Which Event:  Call of dying light - Eos temple

Responsiveness: Very responsive, as he usually is on events. He responds to player's RPs nicely which is always a bonus.

Balance: I missed about 2 hours of the event due to work, but what I did come for was wild. However with experience now, I know it's a typical Chance affair in that it's difficult but it isn't impossible, either, if that makes sense. He'll make you scream in the moment, definitely. Personally I kept crashing and Chance ended up doing me dirty with blast rush but it was okay!! I rolled a 6. :)

Storytelling: From the part that I was present for, the story was, as always, great. The twist as to what was going on, at the end, was fantastic as well!

Fairness: Didn't make things unfair; if people rolled well they rolled well and if they didn't... WELL!

Overall: 10/10 for what I was present for.

Any other comments: The loot was super cute.

RE: DM Chance - Mayday - 01-10-2022

Character: Fenyx cos Gelmont
Which Event:  Call of dying light - Eos temple

Responsiveness: Little to no wait time between players posting and narrates, no complaints!

Balance: Given I went into it with child DR and all, I feel the balance was pretty fair in relation to the event and rewards. The fights were very MMORPG-vibes and I enjoyed that there was evasive counterplay to the move sets.

Storytelling: I really enjoyed the story told from the beginning to the end, especially as the first event the character has gone on. 

Fairness: Completely fair, no complaints!

Overall: 10/10, I had fun with everything from the puzzle to the combat and rp.

Any other comments: Shield hero time.