06-15-2022, 06:14 PM
A call out to those who would call themselves squires of the first light, a call to those who have yet to find a place. Flyers are posted and word travels quickly. A call of duty has been heard, will you fight for the cause?
Quote:"I say to you, my friends far and wide. Those who have yet to find a place of belonging. I welcome you, to come join us this day. Observe the training regimens we conduct, watch the squires train and if you find it to your interest you may even become a squire! To the squires, as you already know this will be no walk in the park. You are expected to act as excellent as always!
Equip yourselves well, you will need it." -Wilhelm
-Will meet at the Osrona training arena and POSSIBLY change areas as we progress.
-First sessions will be a introduction to combat (For those not accustomed) and an intense training regimen for those who are accustomed. (Those not accustomed may also join on the training regimen.)
-You will be informed all about the first light and what it stands for.
Date: 6/18/2022 Saturday 5pm CST
Contact SkarSkorpa#7717 for more info!