10-07-2022, 01:50 AM
Quote:"Ock? Ye want to know about the forest by me home?"
"Listen well then, Lads n Lassies. The clan Milgisbeurg guards the Brittenberg forest."
"Well, Guards as much as 'watches over', the forest can guard itself too ya know."
"Anyway, deep in the forest, below canopies of darkness n forest floors of squirmin' shadows, there lies a tree"
"No normal tree, ahm sure ye guessed. Et's a Sage Tree, older than the forest thet grew round et, n smarter than any old blighter ya meet"
"Now Sage Trees are usually hard ta find, thems power magics, n can look like any kind O tree. But ours don't hide."
"We respect et. N now, we're going to go ask et a few questions, see if we can't get some knowledge n stuff."
"But dinnae take this as a gentle stroll, Ock no. Beasts lurk abouts, n strange figures. Not ta mention, them Sage Guardian. No un knows what et looks like, n some say it changes shape too."
"Don't worry yer pretty little heads, I'll hold yer hands! BAHAHA!"
Character: Yuldanas
Attendees: To be invited in game, Five or Six Total
Risk: Mid CoI, Low CoD
Themes: Dark Forest, Wild Beasts and Fae-Like creatures, Enchanted Forest
Reward: A big of Wisdom from a Sage Tree, other Rewards tbd
DM: None yet, contact me (Marin#9811)