CaliDulce et decorum est. Pro patria mori.
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I was asked, why was I born in truth I don't even know the answer to that question, once birth and reason behind it does not come to realization until the labors of their hubris comes and goes. I am no longer in a state of Adolescents but the reason behind my actions have not changed.
We amongst my kind that have the intellect to reason, the intellect to speak find ourselves at the cusp of the world, because of our unique appearance we are always feared , but its not to the point that those of this world won't try to use that to their advantage.
I have yet to fight some of these people within their nations though I have protected my kin from many. 
Does my actions of defending my own, subjugate me to that of a vanguard for the demonkind? They praise me for my strength and listen to my words like the humans listen to their elders, it is only because I was able to reach this form. That they believe that I must have the answers when in truth I am in the same boat as them.
I am a demon lord.
There is no other like me, I have never lied... I never sought to steal or to kill one within their hubris. My own warrior spirit denies me the bitter sweet end of one who may prove to be a challenge one day.
Is that stupid of me.... That I like to take that risk, that I wish to fight the good fight?
The humans are always so confused with my words, every time they approach me I tell them a truth, and they become confused. The people of Dal'thala...
I hoped I sparked a fire within your hearts , I hope my attacks have brought some sort of anger to you. For you children of Nema lack the rage to do it yourself.
You have been kicked around, lied too, put to the brink of Annihilation. Your monarchy not even respected. You are prosecuted because of your differences...
Used as toys , puppets for that of the hivekin long since destroyed , and then put to the lowest of the low because of that past, most of the ones who have been there not even alive anymore.
This world lacks respect for you.
I had thought to strike that fire... I sought out a way to bring some pride to your people , but when it was time to fight you let a sovereignty kingdom take your glory, and you were left in the dust afterwards...
The Aenites they are even worst, in their eyes they can never be wrong, these children have been tricked and I laugh at their pride. Even I have the knowledge to tell when someone is fed ...
The old lie.
Dulce et decorum est. Pro patria mori.
 “It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country.”
Much like my kind , outsiders to this land we make stake too , they are not natives and they will not be going back to the country they have sought to die for. No they will stick like a cancer forever more. To fight my own children... to fight yours... to continue this blood shed.
But for the natives...
The only one that speaks the truth is me. If I want to kill you, I will tell you why. But I am a reasonable old wolf I have let plenty of man who tried to put a leash on my feel the full weight of a demon lord. I have crushed those who sought to control me. I have grinded the spirits of those who thought they were better.
I have killed the thought that I was gone...
Demon lord...
Former Khan...
I don't need these titles... My name is stuck in the minds of those I have hurt and those I have helped , and those who are curious of the White wolf they have met.
Those who have stopped to wonder who I was, who bothered to speak you come bearing questions, I give you my answer and into your surprise, there hasn't been a lie I have told yet.
What world do we live in where people fear the punishment of their own country and nation... more than they fear me.  I laugh at that thought every time I come face to face with one of these humanoid figures.
I am Laplace.
And just by exisiting... I shake the balance  of sanity it's self. I have no purpose. But I will defend my own from all of you, even from themselves...
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