ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: Scattered lights isn't being cast and still entering cds

How to Reproduce: Use scattered lights in fights, it is random it seems. Sometimes it casts and summons the orbs and sometimes, it doesn't and still enters CD.
[Image: unknown.png]
(06-21-2023, 12:44 AM)radio Wrote: Describe the issue: Smite and Ignite share a CD.

How to reproduce: Use smite or ignite and you can't use the other until the first one used comes off cd.

fixed (for tomorrow)
Describe the issue: Despite saying "If you only had a fishing rod, you could attempt to fish in this water." without a rod, Nereides ocean provides "This doesn't look like a good spot to fish." when you attempt to fish.

How to reproduce: Try to fish in the ocean or from the islands of Nereides.
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Unarmed's "demon step" intermediate spell can still be used when equipped with a weapon.
Describe the issue: sewers dungeon (and maybe other dungeons, idk havent been in any others) dont have any monster spawns and they also lack the boss at the end which means u cannot get out... Sad

How to reproduce: use sewers key, walk through dungeon, serve your temporary prison sentence
Describe the issue: HP tooltip claims vit gives 274 hp/vit
How to reproduce: click hp tooltip, do math, realize it's 272
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Describe the issue: If you use whetstone on fishing rod (propably watering cans and other items like this work too) and log off after it, it will add 3 power to it base power permanently, it's stackable letting you add 3 power with every repreat.

How to reproduce: Use whetstone on your fishing rod and log off, log back and see your buffed fishing rod.
Describe the issue: The same area in which homeowners can place props overwrites the area in which high ranks for a settlement can place props. This makes it difficult to make uniform changes to a settlement's decor unless you manage to get helper on each house which prove to be an obstacle with its area of domain. I'm guessing this is a side-effect of high ranks not being able to plunder anyone's house within their settlement anymore (which was a good change in itself), since I don't remember this being a problem in the past.

How to reproduce: Be a big shot in a given settlement, free to place or remove whatever you want up until you think you have what it takes to even LOOK near a house you don't have access to. Try and fail to place props. Try and fail to remove props. Suffer.

Describe the issue: Oath still costs 1000 energy, despite it having been supposedly lowered to 500.

How to reproduce: Use Oath on something, watch as 1000 energy disappears instead of 500. (unless you have a replenishment)

Describe the issue: The locks on ship cabins don't do anything.

How to reproduce: Note the available option to lock the door to the cabin of a ship you own, use it, note that despite this any funny guy wandering by can walk right in without helper.
(06-14-2023, 09:51 PM)RainIsABirb Wrote: [Image: image.png]

What the Hell happened to Glorious Inferno's sprite!?

its still messed up...!
Describe the issue: Fairy Racial Discount on certain trees is broke. (Also the power to DR ratio is increased from changelog by 50/5% unsure if that is intended.)

How to reproduce: Be a fairy and glance over the various attunements to see whacky differences. Air gives no discount, every other attunement is set to -5, Bio is the only one currently giving the full change. And melee/unnarmed don't got a discount but I think we all know thats for the best.

Any relevant media: 

[Image: b668f2523ae12c6a98e882d14b3b15df.png][Image: 57814b39ce0f29f27428b8de8f32eb17.png][Image: 5755e59c2b1b8ae6db96be0da41f5f0d.png]
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