ChanceBug Reports
The Shadow Drakanite overlay is displaced
[Image: e1c5564d58495a94522fea8b97c7b11a-png.jpg]
[Image: 220d1ea60641830ee91396a4c338af31-removebg-preview.png]
starlit halo invisible walls are definitely not on top of the sprite as they should be.
(there is a mistform in the bottom right of this image)
[Image: image.png]
can provide a video to staff but don't want to post it as it is spectating someone else
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
the new foraging thing seems to be at least somewhat bugged. i've got 100 foraging and i've picked up 20+ Herdaia but it's not doubled it once so far. i didn't do the math but the odds of that happening are rather low at 25% chance, right?

they do work with demon horn, though. maybe its the new herbs that are busted and not the old ones? i'd test it more extensively but i cannot.

after further digging I think i know what the problem is. so the demon horns that were getting doubled were /obj/ rather than /ResourceNode/, it's quite possible that it's been coded in a way that it'd only apply to /obj/ spawns rather than the more standard nodes used in the majority of the map.
Starlit halo doesn't work.
On hit it disappeared from the battle the other person in the danger said after they where hit the could only not move north
Arcanium Watering Can is 1x1, not 3x3.
Please fix... I just. Spent 4 arc for this. I'm crying.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Scammed (noted)
(07-17-2023, 09:02 PM)Valterak Wrote: the new foraging thing seems to be at least somewhat bugged. i've got 100 foraging and i've picked up 20+ Herdaia but it's not doubled it once so far. i didn't do the math but the odds of that happening are rather low at 25% chance, right?

they do work with demon horn, though. maybe its the new herbs that are busted and not the old ones? i'd test it more extensively but i cannot.

after further digging I think i know what the problem is. so the demon horns that were getting doubled were /obj/ rather than /ResourceNode/, it's quite possible that it's been coded in a way that it'd only apply to /obj/ spawns rather than the more standard nodes used in the majority of the map.

This is useful information. Thank you.
Murderous Surge is still shadow element - unsure if this was already noted or buried in all the other stuff, but re-noting it here.
Compost Bin
Compost level: 156 / 500
Expected result: 15 fertilizer
It looks like it just started.
Perkalas tosses the Fairy Powder into the compost bin.
Compost Bin
Compost level: 157 / 500
Expected result: 15 fertilizer
It looks like it just started.

[Image: 26e3ea5b1f06da42b1a527f5df9a1bba.png]

Every single item appears to only produce 1 compost level, okay.
Also.. Auguria can't be used as a compost ingredient even tho its desc is:


"Lightly influenced by the essence of nature, believed to only be found in the underground forests. It's sought after by herbalists given its dual purpose as a fertilizer."


It's a bug u cant change my mind plz im crying.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Compost levels aren't set yet, so everything is 1 right now, but I'll get to it early this week.
& good point about Auguria.
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