ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: When I purchase mystery crates, they're not appearing in my inventory at all.

How to reproduce:
1) Purchase mystery crate.
2) No crate. Money wasted.
3) Profit? Despair.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
[Image: rMsO9j.gif]
Describe the Issue: Fantasia is not lasting for 5 days [ A year IC ]
How to Reproduce:
- Drink a Fantasia

- Descover it is set to 64 hours and 26 minutes, rather than 5 days
- Sob
[Image: image.png]
[Image: ObGI0DW.gif]
symphony sound strike reset makes cds look buggy
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
i beg once more for riftmancy location deleting to be fixed ;_;
(09-08-2023, 09:02 PM)Galion Wrote: i beg once more for riftmancy location deleting to be fixed ;_;

While I do enjoy practicing Wayfinding supremacy over the terrible Riftmancers? Have mercy on them...
Disarm has been bugged vs Armed players since its release.

It apparently does not disarm players who use the Armed stances (Garuda, Ifrit, etc). Please fix.
Hi, I'm here with a handful of invisibility potion bugs for you on this day. Invisibility potions:

-Cannot be dispelled by taking damage
-Cannot be dispelled by casting spells
-Cannot be dispelled by accepting an RPB
-Doesn't stop mobs from aggroing on you, which both reveals your presence and would also remove the effect if the first thing was working.
[Image: image.png?ex=6547aa08&is=65353508&hm=f3a...54dc6db9e&]
Symphony (including Dark Symphony) does not display the "aura active on cooldown" icon making it much more unclear when it's up.
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
(08-05-2023, 01:09 AM)DragonDarklyDreaming Wrote:
(08-04-2023, 11:16 PM)Heimdalic_Dreams Wrote: My weapon is missing - I didn't drop it (Checked logs), and my inventory wasn't even full. I was wearing my fishing rod (renamed as a Bokken for training), and it was just, gone when I logged in today. I have heard this happening once before.

It's a very dear weapon to me, like my child. Very proud of it. So this is


(08-01-2023, 04:05 PM)Frozen Heart Wrote:
(07-31-2023, 10:35 AM)Moonlight Wrote: Describe the issue: Was asked to report it, but unsure what the bug is exactly. Randomly when I log in an equipped Item from my inventory disappears. There's no log of me dropping them, and as far as I'm aware people can't take items without capping you. The issue seems to be just isolated to me but suppose it's logged now in-case anyone else experiences it. So far I've lost two weapons, and now an Arcanium Amulet.
How to reproduce: I'm not sure how to replicate it as it's not consistent and doesn't occur every-time I relog so it's difficult to note when and how it happens. I'll have to take screen shots before I log out or something.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Screen-shot of randomly missing Amulet.

[Image: 0197b55e31739384d9478b759b605b0c.png]

I had something like this happen to me before. I relogged and my sword was missing, it wasn't equipped or anything like that and I hadn't noticed it until about five minutes later when I returned to the square and someone mentioned it having been dropped in LOOC. Not sure what the cause was either.
This! This happened! Wait, does this mean someone has my sword??

This happened to me too! I lost my sword very recently! I was doing an RP in my apartment though, so it's not like it dropped in the area! It just... IS GONE! I was missing an inventory slot afterwards!

Same issue as the above quotes is still happening, it seems.
Unequipped two pieces of armor to switch out to clothing, inventory slots disappeared and both items were gone, even after a relog.
The Y offset on cosmetic items 'Cosmetic 64x64' & 'Cosmetic 96x96' is not set properly
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