ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: Limit breaker Meteor - The tooltip say it'll become oversized and have its damaged increased by 50%. The damage increase isn't happening however, and while the sprite of the ball gets larger? The hitbox remains the same.
The meteor gets some more range at least, so there's at least that.

How to reproduce:
Buy inivigorate and meteor. Test meteor with no charge to see the damage ticks. Then use invigorate to reach limit break, use meteor while in limit break, and compare damage ticks.
For hitbox size, hit the testing dummy without targetting it so that the meteor will go in a straight line. Compare how far off sideways your character can be before the meteor fails to hit the target (both in testing appear to have a 3-tile width to them)
For range, hit the meteor point blank on a testing dummy to see how far it gets knocked back. Compare the range between regular meteor to limit break meteor.
ISSUE: When you turn the boat into a "Pick uppable" state (not the state in which you ride it) and try to pick it up with X, it generates an extra inventory slot. Somehow. And you ride it.
Describe the issue: Howl of the Banshee (Tempest master move) Does not seal dashes like it says it does. As a result anyone hit by the move can just dash out at any time, completely evading the move even if it actually lands, which is sometimes difficult as its a charge up move that can be outrun if you're not up in their face.

How to reproduce: Hit someone with Howl of the Banshee and watch them dash.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):  [Image: 55149b15a2.png] (Pretty sure it meant to say 'seals')
Describe the issue: Ocean's Fury Lifesteal proc seemingly doesn't work on mist damage
How to reproduce: Use Ocean's Fury and cast mist moves
The dismiss training dummy timer gets higher instead of lower.
[Image: JlUaC9H.png]
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
(10-16-2023, 11:57 AM)ACuriousGrey Wrote: Describe the issue: Murderous Surge is properly working with follow up, but demon step is not

How to reproduce:
Use Demon Step
Spam follow up
No tp to enemy

This is still a problem. Additionally, Demon Step's audio cue is both not synced with the duration and doesn't always play for the opponent.
Edit: the audio cue not being synced has apparently been fixed, but I have heard recently (as soon as today) that the sound does not, in fact, always play
[Image: image.png?ex=6547aa08&is=65353508&hm=f3a...54dc6db9e&]
Describe the issue: +80 vitality for Fortitude Fortuna

How to reproduce: I read their fortune

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 1, 2
(10-22-2023, 06:39 AM)PillowChalk Wrote: Describe the issue: +80 vitality for Fortitude Fortuna

How to reproduce: I read their fortune

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 1, 2

(or maybe you're just that good)
Describe the issue: Black Mirage is deleting things when struck by the move. (So far training dummies and Yggdrasil, untested if it'd delete other summons so far.) They get struck, and then they're nowhere to be seen.

How to reproduce: Hit something uncontrolled by a player with black mirage, and watch it suddenly dissapear into nothingness. Inside or outside of battle doesn't matter.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Don't really have anything for this.
Describe the issue: compost bin is Infintie generating Fertlizer.( i dont have to Refull it for each batch it just starts another batch right after and the number stays the same) for some reason it is stuck at an unven number   

How to reproduce:   fill up the compost bin until it gets uneven number? honstly unsure how it happen

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

[Image: image.png?ex=654a464e&is=6537d14e&hm=c9e...2d1074468&]

ALSO please change the way how you add stuff to the bin moving each item singel time from a stack of 50 to get 5 fertlizer is gonna give people carpal tunnel
[Image: GJ9hrZiaIAA3XGy?format=png&name=360x360]
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