ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: Fishing doesn't work in the ocean around Ten's Citadel? 

How to reproduce: Try fishing around Ten's Citadel

I haven't done any rigorous bug testing, but at the very least, it may be handy to just... check all the fishing spots up north here again, not like I know how that's handled though. I say up north but really it's just wherever you can.
Describe the issue: I have a 1440p monitor, and I am unable to see chat messages from people in my vision at certain points on my screen. From my experience it's people at the border of the screen, and I am unable to see their says/looc/RPs. I'm not sure what the deal is otherwise.

How to reproduce: I could not tell you more than just have my specs and try as described.

I don't expect this to be fixed but I am going to at least raise awareness.

E: only happens at the side edges of the screen, vertical has no bearing to my knowledge?
Describe the Issue: Devouring Winds doesn't require a 40rpp point spent despite being in Intermediate

Replicate: Buy opener and devouring winds.
We've not updated/rebooted yet.
Describe the issue: Chronos doesn't have the yellow outline when it's toggled on a hotbar. It's a very small visual bug that likely doesn't matter since it's an aura anyways but.

How to reproduce: Toggle Chronos.
(11-25-2023, 11:53 PM)mat13295 Wrote: Describe the issue: Chronos doesn't have the yellow outline when it's toggled on a hotbar. It's a very small visual bug that likely doesn't matter since it's an aura anyways but.

How to reproduce: Toggle Chronos.

Assassin shroud has the same issue.
Describe the issue:  Alchemist Eyes does not outline any 'natural' regen on the ground. Only the player dropped items.

How to reproduce: Look at a natural regen spawn, click Alchemist eyes, object will not glow. | Drop an object such as food or regen and click Alchemist eyes and it will glow.


[Image: 97tAvAI.png]
Natural Sugar Cap Node vs Donut Made with Love.
Bug: Mask pots don't allow you to receive offline letters if it's given to your main name

[Image: image.png?ex=6577398a&is=6564c48a&hm=9af...5ff9ee0d6&]
Describe the issue: Fortuna: Death remains extremely inconsistent (and very low damaging) at different ranges: It will do no damage whatsoever point blank, and opponents might get hit with only wave at intermediate ranges.

How to reproduce: Get some mobs together. Test Death against them at different ranges.

[Image: image.png?ex=657a1828&is=6567a328&hm=d1c...height=264]
[Image: image.png?ex=657a1828&is=6567a328&hm=353...height=152]

More a mapping issue than a bug but basically the entire west and north coasts of the snow region are currently fishn't (might be an edge issue?)
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