AzraelFanLonesome Long Way Home
[Image: e4gdcnnjgg4.webp]
“The key of the house of the Morninglord
I will lay on his shoulder;
So he shall open, and no one shall shut;
And he shall shut, and no one shall open”
A Key.
Not to any particular door or mundane construct that would require such.
But a Key to things greater than man, left long since forgotten in their protections.
And perhaps, a Key to the very soul.
The means of revelation were known to the Faithful, and so reclamation was at hand.
His agents shall once again lash out against The Tyrant.
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Attendees: Van Hohenheim + 4 others invited IC.
Themes: Valmasia, Ancient History, Esoteric Horror, Ruins, Azrael, Religious, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-esque.
Risk: CoD ~ HCoD
Reward: TBD privately.
DM: Seeking. Contact cyclehater125ac on Discord if interested.
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