DriveThe City Of Progress
[Image: pysx2wn.jpeg]

After a lot of workers were seem coming in and out of the current undercity of Prospera, it was obvious that there was something going on, people were actively going in and out through the elevator, populating the once seemingly inaccessible lower levels of Prospera. The Governor was seen checking on the work perioidically, alongside a certain pink haired individual that seems to always be on sight, overseeing things as they come in and out of the elevators. 

It did not take long for the Governor to take to a public stand, after a years worth of work beong put in recreating the undercity into something more. 
Melos dul Vique: 2118 AC Wrote:
"As a Bastion of Progress, Prospera had a long ways to go.
I had my hands full, dealing with your past leadership.
Lucky, killing himself and Katrina, being a coward.
To cull the ever growing idea that your city, was in fact, only good for one thing and that thing used to be whoring and swindling.
And I can't blame anyone for thinking that of this place."

"But that is all going to change, and sooner than you might think. After wrapping some loose ends, I've decided to take some people under my wing, students to share the idea that prosperity came from an evergrowing need to learn. And despite the tacky name sake, I've grown quite fond of Prospera - and I wanted to ensure the namesake stays and stands for something other than the Greed of it's creators.

Speaking of Greed, a man by the name of Acantho, cowardly and collecting - stands as a road block beyond the idea of innovation itself. Yes, I am directing this to you, I do not think you are worth a letter or a title. You've lived for a century, half of that time you'd spent hiding away in your vaults, letting your minions run out to collect everything while you claim your dominion over their work. I am starting to think Arbeidd had the right idea about you all along, whence I'd fought him and nearly died for your own sake.

I've come to realize that you are a nobody, and that everything you achieved was built on false promises and starry eyed pupils which you'd snuffed their very own creativity as your own. 

No more. 
The world will need you no more.
Your institute is of the past, outdated, as you are.

I am proud to announce a place of true learning, within the undercity of Prospera, a university for all to come and find a better purpose for their life. That is what my student created for you all here. Aracate, a girl I'd found barely interested in anything beyond her card games - took an interest in technomancy. A few projects with her, and I'd grown to treat her as one of my own. She is as impressive, if not, more so than I was her age."

"May we all continue to innovate.
May we all live a life worth living.
May we all erase cowardace.
May we all be brave enough to reach for the stars.
Athelios guides us all.
Ad Astra Per Aspera."

After his announcement, the Governor left the perch of his tower, allowing a much smaller pink haired woman to take the stand - and say a few words of her own.

Aracate Wrote:
"After a few years of careful planning...
A lot of construction and networking...
I am pleased to announce that I will soon be unveiling and opening...
Prospera's Applied Science University! Or PASU for short."

"A place where you can seek knowledge and a proper education to prepare you for all of the nasty little surprises Meranthe has to offer! Here you can learn applied combat tactics, biology, history, alchemy artificery, cooking and advanced counterparts, such as Magitech... We will be hosting Runecasting lessons, Wayfinding classes will be applied soon, For those of you who wish to become seers, Fortuna lessons. We will also be hosting a Medical lab and when we have a faculty member, Medical lessons proper! There will much much more soon!"

"We are host to one of the biggest Library spaces in Meranthe, and are currently curating quite the catalogue of books and findings. We also have a standing arena for combat practice and ample space for dorms and other living amenities. We have ample space for comfort, socializing and properly seeing to the needs of our students."

"The academic possibilities are endless and under careful, watchful guidance we will be sure to make sure you are fully prepared for what's out there, it will give you the means to build the life /you/ desire!"

With that, both the Giant and his student turn to leave - their announcement made for the world itself to hear.
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The City Of Progress - by Drive - 03-27-2024, 03:21 PM
RE: The City Of Progress - by Drive - 05-13-2024, 05:03 PM

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