CuratorAriltor's Eviction [Fortune Vs. Denath Cult]
The sudden attack shakes the tides, causing the ocean's waves to crash against the fortress, causing a stir - whence the cannon ball found itself on the grasses of the isle, it would seem that nobody had read it - it is there, unturned and half buried in the grasses. Those observing and watching the isles for any activity are to be sourly disappointed, there had not been movement there at all - it would seem the fortress itself was abandoned for a long while.

The lack of movement may be worrying, and those curious enough to come onto the island to observe take not that the cannon ball had rusted due to the elements, and the close proximity to sea water, there are no foot steps that indicate it was ever read. When approaching the fortress, it would appear the doors are stuck at first, with a little effort - they'd be opened to reveal a rather dusty interior, and each corner of the building seems to be overtaken by cobwebs and even more dust.

Crickets are sounded within the bulwark of stone upon the isles, and those investigating deeper seem to not be able to find anything of worth within. 

The place has not been touched in months, perhaps even years, the dust build up shows that it was not regularly used, and the hinges of the doors being poorly maintaned, with the rust and creaking, eludes to only that. 

It would appear that the coalition is not finding a match today, and it would seem the cult of Denath is not there to begin with - perhaps, this could've been all a misunderstanding, perhaps they'd never been there to begin with - perhaps, this is all an illusion.

Though, one thing is for certain - there was nobody coming to defend the island, rendering their efforts of assimilating and taking over as intended, successful and prosperous. 
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RE: Ariltor's Eviction [Fortune Vs. Denath Cult] - by Drive - 05-15-2024, 12:01 AM

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