06-18-2024, 03:08 AM
Roaming the wilderness for as long as it has, Hubris has stumbled upon the scattered rune gates across the continent. A few of them gleam with scenes untold, a fizzling of magic that the Nightmare Demon was unused to. But seeing-- and hearing-- what these gates can do, it sought out one in particular.
After the confrontation a few years back against Raithe Folhammar, the Unworthy King, Hubris sought to destroy the things he called upon for his power.
After all, he was unworthy of it all and Hubris sought to teach him the errors of his ways.
For calling it a Wisp. For saying he will Unmake it.
Thus, Hubris has sought for a gate that will open-- or be able to be forced open-- to the star that Raithe drew his cosmic from. The demon knew the taste of the mana of it, seared as it was from it multiple times.
All it had to do was to destroy it entirely.
Attendee(s): Potentially 1-2 others invited ICly
Risk: Chance of Death minimum, DM discretion
Themes: Severing others' power; Demon growth; Revenge and the extents one will go to achieve it; Stars and their power, potential corrupting/consuming
Reward(s): To be discussed
DM: Looking!!
I can be contacted either through discord (suggestalife / @Tenolie) or through a comment here!