AlexTeraphim hearts
Okay please. Hear me out... Please don't downvote this because I said Teraphim which can be a trigger for some people. I am here to discuss something else not their strengths or how crystal is busted. 

I want to open a discussion/suggestion about how humans become Teraphim.

Now, currently there is only one way. You must get a teraphim heart from another Teraphim to become one and then have the High Lord/Lady make you one. That's fine. It's a cool concept. However, I think it becomes rather silly after the first few months of a game when suddenly everyone knows about this ic and ooc. So, good luck finding a heart! Because unless there are teraphim on the other side (Which there aren't), you won't be able to get one unless you kill one of your own for x reason.

Now, why would you kill another Teraphim to become a Teraphim? That just... defeats the purpose of balance or whatever. It doesn't make sense.

I also THINK, that eventing for hearts is also off limits. (This isn't 100%) Yet if that's the case then again... Good luck finding one.


My suggestion is:
Every 10 years. 50 ooc days (2ish month), the vale can grand 1 person a crystal heart. There has already been 1 person who got to get turned into a teraphim without a heart and then they just... afk'd...

I think this is a limited way to reward people who have actually stuck around Myllenoris. Who actually RP there. Who don't just go there looking to become a teraphim and try to get a heart.

Yes, I am frustrated that my character has been "First in line to become a teraphim" for nearly a decade, because it's impossible to get a fucking heart. Idk. Teraphim are one of the very FEW hooks of Myllenoris and unless you want to RB into one - that hook is completely useless on you. Your time and energy is not rewarded in any real way by being there. Idk. Maybe I'm just dumb but do tell
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Teraphim hearts - by Alex - 05-17-2020, 10:38 PM
RE: Teraphim hearts - by Trenton - 05-17-2020, 10:40 PM
RE: Teraphim hearts - by Doohl - 05-17-2020, 10:41 PM
RE: Teraphim hearts - by Alex - 05-17-2020, 10:43 PM
RE: Teraphim hearts - by Horus - 05-17-2020, 10:44 PM
RE: Teraphim hearts - by Togetak - 05-17-2020, 10:50 PM
RE: Teraphim hearts - by Theori - 05-17-2020, 10:53 PM
RE: Teraphim hearts - by Alex - 05-17-2020, 10:57 PM
RE: Teraphim hearts - by Chance - 05-17-2020, 11:42 PM

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