Method TMixed Herb Bags
So, this is more of an afterthought, given I purchase these every so often, but I think it'd be nice if Cylion was removed from the four-herb rotation cycle these bags produce.

If we want four herbs, then replace it with something else like Sinka, Alessa, or even Crimson Reed.

It kills me when I buy some of these and I get Cylion Seeds, the closest things to a trash reagent this game has, short of the literally unusable Feathers, Four-Leaf Clovers and Dragon's Teeth.

Also there is so much cylion just growing wild in the world, we really dont need a farm-able source of it, i have over 700 stalks of cylion sitting in a chest that i know i will almost never use, it will never sell, it just sits there, and most of it was found in the wilds.

Maybe by no longer allowing it to be farmed, it can once again become a bit more worthwhile to have (doubtful) than it is now.

Edit: Perhaps don't replace it with Alessa, as in hindsight, Alessa is used in only a small handful of top-tier recipes, or in lust potions/rejuv pots.
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Mixed Herb Bags - by Method T - 07-03-2020, 02:43 PM
RE: Mixed Herb Bags - by GrayHood - 07-03-2020, 03:06 PM
RE: Mixed Herb Bags - by Method T - 07-03-2020, 03:08 PM
RE: Mixed Herb Bags - by Chance - 07-03-2020, 03:09 PM

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