TheoriOn the History and Traditions of the Order of the First Light
A sister organisation to the Pantheon of the Celestials, the Order of the First Light originated around 324 AC as a militia established by the Starseers to protect research expeditions, and to defend the clergy from criminals who sought to take advantage of their charitable practices. As the influence of Celestialism grew, so to did the size of the First Light, with its membership climbing to several thousand within a decade of the advent of Celestialism. Some historians theorise that it was the growing size of this Holy order that influenced the decision of King Alexios II Petrakis to adopt the new faith as the State Religion of Esshar, though this is a point often disputed. In any case, the First Light was further legitimised by this decision, and continued to expand, essentially becoming as much a professional army as religious order.

The First Light's rise to power peaked in the War of the Dragon in the mid-5th century. The levy-based army of Esshar was crushed early in the conflict, crippling the Essharan ability to defend against the invasion of the Sluthian forces. Ersen Astor, a particularly pious nobleman and the brother-in-law of Queen Celeaus Petrakis, was able to convince the Queen to legitimise the Order of the First Light's efforts in the war as a part of the Defender's Declaration 466 AC, and at the head of the Order Astor was able to repel the invaders and eventually end the war by slaying the Great Dragon Myndrerrag with his blade, Balmung.

Following the War of the Dragon, Ersen Astor became the intermediary for Queen Celeaus with the Faith, and over the space of several long years convinced both Celeaus and High Priest Gregorius to establish the First Light as the official military of Esshar, although several concessions were made for either side of the negotiations, with Ersen as the first of the Lightbringers. Upon his death, Astor willed his sword, Balmung to be granted to any pious warrior who proved themselves worthy for the duration of their service with the First Light, and it has thus been wielded by several famed Lightbringers since, including most recently Ardes Grimmore.

Since then, the First Light has served as a beloved institution and bastion of justice. Modern day, it is largely seen as an upstanding and reliable organisation, although a recent swell in anti-establishment views have led to it being branded both fist and shield of the nobility by those looking for a target for their grievances. Among the Rhoynish who faced it during the Conquest it is viewed with hatred and fear, and commonly referred to as 'the Order of the Last Sight', as a First Light soldier was often the last thing a Rhoynish raider ever saw.

Responsibilities and Traditions
  • Members of the First Light above and including the rank of Knight are permitted to perform dying rites upon those mortally wounded or killed in combat, but are disallowed from doing such to those dying of disease or natural causes. 
  • The Order draws recruits from both the nobility and the common people, as well as occasionally headhunting from the City Watch. Nobles who are recruited into the Order are not disinherited unless by the individual's own choice, and they are not expected to abandon their surnames.
  • The Order serves as the main law enforcement of Osrona and Nuburg due to their importance as Capital and central trading city respectively, unlike other cities that usually assemble a militia as city watch.
  • The standard issue uniform of the Order is a dark overcoat with gold trimmings on the chest, sleeve cuffs, buckled boots, and a black beret, as well as optional white gloves.
  • A force of fifty Knights under the command of two Paladins and a Lightbringer serves as the Royal Guard of the Petrakis family.
  • Promotion to Knight involves a vigil in one of the Star Towers, where the promoted must remain in a kneeled position under the light of the stars for a period of forty eight hours. 
  • Promotion to Lightbringer is identical to this, with the addition of a week of fasting prior to the vigil. Lightbringers also have a chosen passage of the Codex Cosmos tattooed onto their backs as a sign of their devotion to their new role, a leftover practice for when the organisation was a primarily religious order.
  • Extremely distinguished service for at least a decade in the Order has, in the past, led to instances where commonborn Knights are raised to nobility. 
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On the History and Traditions of the Order of the First Light - by Theori - 11-12-2019, 02:24 AM

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