NikolaNeijuMasterwork Professions
I think lack of diversity could be solved by creation of specific items that are listed as 'tools', with addition of Dev item crafting that can be possible. I think Taipan's quill and Law Magic is SORTA fits this way.

To create diversity among the crafter's you'd probably need to make yourself diverse by- you know, getting out there. Making your own tools/forge. That's the reason why some artificers are valuable than the others. Dragonforge for example, can only be used by Drakanites.

Often times, only people of Basburgian backstory or IC know how to make advanced Magi-tech, etc. Perhaps it's just that this diversity isn't... Something you can feel on the surface level? It's subtle, really is! Compared to hiddens that either have flashy graphics/animations/text, or you know, the IC of it.
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Masterwork Professions - by NikolaNeiju - 01-31-2022, 10:00 AM
RE: Masterwork Professions - by Malek - 01-31-2022, 10:30 AM
RE: Masterwork Professions - by NikolaNeiju - 01-31-2022, 11:42 AM

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