MutesToCryJust some ideas made from love
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Yep, and I know what all of you are thinking. And before you say anything I know its about what would I possibly offer. Well, revamping stuff. Because I know I can give out a lot of ideas, but how about we take a different look on stuff. Because lets be honest or I'll be honest. Some of the spells in the game are basically....trash/unused/unloved/etc etc. And I wanna make it clear that Im trying to push out change in the game for the better not to make something a complete meme (okay maybe one). For that, I'll be talking about major trees atm. Even if they have a rework incoming this is just my ideas.


For these trees honestly there's a lot that can be changed or revamped. Because if im honest, most people dont work with the base fire tree in essence without good reason to. Explosion has a great stun and ranged attack, along with a defining trait of a KB (Knock Back) Spell, i.e Impact Cannon. Plasma is good for many reasons but it lacks synergy like it did when it first came out (Damn you that nerf to Tesla is NOT needed. You have energy beams that do more over all damage with little worry!) But back on track- I think Fire needs to have its power seriously relooked at as some spells are good in 'certain conditions' but over all feel a bit odd in my mind.

In my opinion I feel like Fire shouldn't be force locked with the spells it has. What I mean by this? If you look at fire you see you have to by the Attunement, and then 40 rpp worth of spells, but 4 spells and 1 aura to choose from. SURE you can argue that its needed and that there's no issue. But half the time you ever see a fire mage they don't bother because the spells there are not worth it most of the time. Yes Overheat is great but that's about it. Sure blazing wave is good, but without Caster/Brawler it gets no use usually unless someone likes taking their time. Hell I used fireball and got the use on it because I could predict movement, its a skill shot and not many people wanna worry and skill shot like I do. Hell even Flamethrower is kinda meh because its damage is moderate if you can pre stun with a 'different' tree.

What am I getting at is that there should be a bit more to Fire, but I'm not saying to add more spells to a tree no one wants to rightly use. If anything, Im saying we need to move some around. Take for instance-

In explosion, because Pyroclasm is a 15 rpp BASIC, people will dip 35 rpp for a stun GCDE spell since it also gives them Bang which is ranged. Now they have far and close range synergy for the low cost of 45 rpp (10 from attunement, 5 if you are a beast race like Drakanite or Kitsune). But there is a few spells we can alter to better fit. Move Scorch (Fire Master) into Explosion and move Inferno into Fire as an Intermediate. Keep them as they are as they better sure the other better. Scorch is a slow DOT AOE that lasts 7-ish seconds, but the damage is so slow that a normal person can basically walk out of the aoe (even though its big) with almost 0 damage. Its not worth being a master. but as a basic into a secondary tree might work something out as Inferno can be a better AoE since it has an initial burst of damage rather then making it linger. Sure the actual mechanics are favored to the other as Inferno has the 'initial' blast that means Explosion, but it can serve better for Fire as a means to but into it.

Same with Sear as it feels more like a basic attack with how little it's utilized. Make it a 10 rpp basic. Though we should look at the other lacking spells like the blazing waves. We can easily just make the normal basic one GCDE while the big boy slightly stronger one as is. Though to mitigate it all since Im suggesting the move around, we can bring Spark bomb from Plasma into fire-proper and made into a basic spell as well. Yet still might wanna go with the suggestion I made before that the duration be cut in half but the damage increased. About 3s duration and .8 damage overall.

Other then that everything in fire is fine as is. Though Scorch as a master is just not good. We can actually bring Glorious flame into Fire as the master (which is just a 10% AP boost toggle buff).


Honestly as it stands? Water is perfectly fine as is. Though I already suggested a few Ice spells. Ice needs a bit of revamping. Ice itself has great ways to inflict Frostbite (10%DR nerf and slowness with a blue tint). However, two spells in it's tree always bugged me. One being the Ice flurry (Basically Ice flavored flamethrower) and the aura. Ice flurry is just a gimmick spell and has no real use. If anything you could revamp it in 2 ways:

Either make it similar to Vacuum Vortex and make it a hazing forward blast of cold air. Or make it an ice flavor Air Flurry by the same name, only that it applies Frostbite on impact as an instant homing spell.

For the aura, its goes well enough as is, but I felt like the projectile was a little unneeded if not useless in most times of personal use. Might be a good idea to remove the projectile and have a passive 1 tile slowing affect on enemies, making them slow down due to the cold as 'Sub-Zero' is the name of it, making Ice a good defense against someone who stays too close for too long.

Other then that all Water spells and trees are good as is.


Where do I even begin. Out of all of the trees in the game. THIS ONE needs the most help. Sure it has some POWERFUL damages and such, but I feel like the base tree is lacking significantly. I mean half the skills of Air are damn near useless and the other half are pretty great. I mean I know there's a median here but I just dont see it. In fact the best way to make Air great once more is to do something along the lines of splicing.

I mean this by taking two concepts of spells and mesh them together in a different way. For example: Take Twister, no one knows (until I say this) that you can 'cancel' the spell early by pressing the spell once more to use in a bit of a mind game against your foes or even just to use it for mobility. You can even use it for the 30% DR it gives and still damage opponents unlike Lightning embodiment in which you cant cancel early. 

With that in mind we can actually splice the idea of canceling a spell early with Aera and Tempest guard. Where, for a duration, you can turn it on and gain 10% Ap to wind spells, but applies a passive gust of air that damages opponents (Lets say 2 damage per pulse, pulses are 1 second each.) The whole duration is 10 seconds. Now that better then just a buff, which have fallen out of favor with just ap stacking but no time to use them, unlike Energy's Ethereal Wings which gives a better ap boost, a DR boost, and a downside.

Another idea is to combine Galeburst, the one linear shot of Tempest, and give it the fairy aura aoe, but shoot a single projectile in 4 directions. Sure we have shockwave, but thats only close range, we can have this for a four directional attack that has linear pathing but can also apply a slow instead of Gale's KB. 

See where Im going with it? Air seems a bit too bland of just shooting wind at someone. Tempest eludes to the desire of doing more with wind in more powerful waves like its Aeo Cascade. We could add back the howl of the banshee spell and apply it to Wind, since it use to be coded for poison. Or even taking a page from an old move I imagined, you can create a pocket of compressed air and send it towards your foes similar to meteor. Or even how I use to rp a gale shot back in e1 capable of inflicting deep cuts on a person, so Air could be a tree that can offer early canceling and bleeding? Just a thought. But if anything Aera could easily be removed. But Im only making a few ideas spark. 

Though focusing on the 'wind' portion, I can even see spells added that give spell dodge unlike other trees or a special toggle buff that unlike Devouring winds, can push people away constantly in a slow way rather then drag them closer. Like 'Repealing Gales'

Another thing most people wouldn't know is that the Razor aura doesn't have an affect like it use to where it could reflect damage back while blocking (It forreal use to do this). I think it was 25% reflect. But since its removal, it was changed to have a twister spawn in the area in which you 'Block' Honestly, its easily missed with how little people block with that aura specifically. So I think we should have that 25% reflection within 5 range block back in the game. 


Okay for this, much like air, can be spliced or changed up a little. But unlike fire, most of the spells in the basic slot are good for their additional effect Mud (Increases the GCD from 2 seconds to 3 seconds). Because of that, Mudslide is far better at stalling an enemy and getting your own way in battle. Even the Rock Wall spell brings people closer and the Earth bomb has KB which can push foes back and worth the pick up even with the moderate damage. Earthen Shell for the 8% DR it gives is still a good buy because most Earth spell trees dont have an aura. So the pick up is nice for defense since its a more utility and defensive tree. But unlike that, it has some of the more DISGUSTING spells in the game like Tremor and Earthquake, but has a spell or two thats basically unneeded like Spike trap. 

For that, Spike Trap seems to be a spell I suggested back about like a year or so ago and it got put back in. However, since Earth base spells are used too much, I suggested that it would be put into the rotation. What I didn't think was that it was added for a Intermediate spell set, which wouldn't be worth it at all since its a spell that relies on luck and strategy. I say strategy because you have to place them in high traffic areas and be lucky that summons dont trigger it and they walk over it ,AND you're close enough to combo with it. It isn't even GCDE either so it locks  you in place. So if if anyone has enough experience to know what you did just found out you laid a trap. Yeah, not worth being an intermediate. If they made it GCDE sure it can be. But as is? Nah, might wanna make it basic so people just have another basic option to get the other stuff they want. 

Or you could give it an additional affect. Say since this is the only spell that's a 'trap' thats invisible, you can make the traps bigger while above 50% because you are a calm mind and sturdy so the traps are more effective, but getting below 50% you get troubled and it stays a 1 range trap that can still get 'lucky' but not as much as a 3x3 or even 3x1 trap set when you're a calm mind. Hell we have caltops we can surely make traps 3x3 with ease and keep it as is. maybe it can be only 2 traps to balance it instead of 3 total. 

For Sand? Well I know there's some suggestions for it, but let me add my two cents here. The only spell I feel needs a work on is Sandstorm. After all, you're creating small particles to attack your foes....Take a page out of Ice's book and make it harder to see. Because people can see those things a mile away and they just run back or move in a way that they can be damn near insulting to you by getting a full combo off on you and take very little damage.

Metal just needs another spell to be honest. It feels like some spells are cool but fall short in a way, or are really good with maybe a single counter. 

Crystal is fine as is really, but would enjoy another spell. 


Okay here? Nature needs a few revamps. Like for instance, the aura should be a bit more pronounced since all it does is cover your arms and legs in nature roots. Its hard to see and I find myself confused half the time. Just adding like antlers (small) or making the full sprite go brown like earth aura might be a bit helpful. Though I would also give the aura a small effect of a static 500 HP heal when you block since you're connecting with nature. Maybe a static 10 second cd. 

Animated summons need a bit of a revamp because those fuckers are odd in terms of damage and scaling. Also, kinda bonkers that you can have those and vines on at the same time. If thats even still a thing now a days. Hell, even Deadly bloom is far more useful then those things 75% of the time aside from range from where YOU place the flowers. 

Ingrain? Ima say needs a buff in my eyes. Its an intermediate self root heal. It should give a bit more hp then it does since it does lock you in place for what 1.5 seconds? Including a busy cast? Yeah I think a good 15 heal might be cool, or maybe it primes like it does now, but applies 5 power heals for one per second for 3 seconds? This is a wild hare idea itself.

Bone? Good as is. Kinda liked the day I saw Ribcage became a master and every bone user cursed all at the same time of the most useful basic in game that let you heal for being a masochist. Even if it was 50% I feared that thing with a passion because of Nature/Bone/Time. If you know you know. 

Blood? Good as is. No note of it. Funny enough I think people fell out of love with the spell tree minus vamps since I see almost no blood mages around. BUT ONLY AS FAR AS IVE SEEN! I just got back into the game after I lost my pc. 

Poison, Ima just say needs a complete new set of spells since a lot of them are hella Useless/Pointless/ or dont work right more then 50% of the time. Ima make a note here to say go back and look at my ideas when I'm done with this to check out a FULL list of new original ideas for poison. 

All honesty? Just remove all the spells from Poison and start from scratch all of the spells are just ass in some way or backfire heavily. Dont bother. 


Illusion can really use just a revamp of Mind Fray since it doesn't apply real confusion (Where when you move it would move you in a different direction randomly. Not to be confused with actual scrambling (It would move you automatically even if you dont move.) Illusion needs a real slow to be complete in my eyes. But thats really it.

Gravity is fine, I just miss Pull. okay? I have almost 0 experience with this tree, but I see people using it well with Melee so I cant say it doesn't work. But I have no idea if Slow Time even works.

Shadow is fine as is really. It has enough nerfs and buffs.

Light....honestly Im not sure on this one yet, haven't tried it but as far as I know its okay.


Energy is fuckin great since it has great synergy with a lot of things, the special effect for its shield depending on which magic you choose is cool. Its massive spell sheet gives a lot of options to people. Just like water, skies the limit and the ocean is vast.

Cosmic is overrated and over used to be honest. God the cosmic meta was brutal over the years.

Holy is hardly used because of the lock on it for good reason. Sanctified Flash? 100% Fuckin holy flash bang 

Occult is the same really. Root is just great.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk- Now for my ideas for a few more spells!

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Grenade- A linear projectile that explodes on impact or at the end of its range, causing KB to those around it and minor damage with a chance to cause burn.

Composite 5- place a trap in remote locations and detonate them on the fourth use. (Similar to Spike traps, but when used after the 3rd time, they explode with 3s intervals between placing them. They don't trigger when stepped on and their range is 3x3 each. If a foe gets hit, they're stunned and hit by its moderate damage. 

Incendiary- Send out a progressing wave attack that travels forward without stopping (Imagine a wave attack that goes through an entire RPB before disappearing. Mind you it only goes one way. 


Pneumonic Plague- An aura that shifts the boundaries of one's poisonous condition to inflict upon another (+30 Power, +15 Crit. +Holding block ejects a wide noxious gas that inflicts confusion and slowness to anyone who comes within 3 tiles of the player  -1 dash tile) or Holding block sends out Spores towards foes that slow, but only sends 3 (CD for both is 10s)

Corrosive Fume- Create a vast trail of poison that slows and inflicts a Poison DoT as you walk around (Imagine Plasma's Overcharge but for Poison but the trails last longer)- Cast buff (Slow lasts 5 seconds

Virus- Inflict the target with a Virus that gives them a crippling effect (An instant homing that slows the target and increases GCD by .5 seconds)

Infectious Powder- Send out a cloud of powder that slowly infects those who come in contact with it. (A spore like spell that sends out a single cloud of poison that acts similar to tornados and leaves a quick aoe of poison trail as it moves. 

Neuro Toxin Wave- a wide blast of toxic mass that inflicts confusion and scrambling upon contact (Enforces a player to move around randomly whether they are in control or not for 3 seconds) but if they are either confused or Scrambled, this attack will also heal the player for 25% of damage dealt.

Acid Rain- Bring down the poisonous liquid that eats through even the toughest of wares. (An AoE that applies a -10% DR nerf whilst inside of it and persisting 1 second outside after. Also applying a DoT on top of it, but not doing initial damage. 

Pandemic- Create a massive swarm of projectiles that rush towards your targets, unending as you sacrifice your mana and health to seal the deal. (Inflict 5% of your total health with every use. It spawns 10 projectiles per summon that do 2.5 damage.) They are conjured up similar to Ring of Malice) They also inflict scramble on impact.

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Just some ideas made from love - by MutesToCry - 11-30-2021, 09:00 PM
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