tenias[The Black Hunt - I]
[Image: upuhSo09-ALu-6bDkQuVvHcufRbsYXB7c1VlpWOP...5P7tSYVbt0]

Ancient Tradition, begot Ancient ways… 
Awakened, that was the way of the ursidae. But awakened for what? In-fighting was the worst of it.
It was here that the remaining members gathered, consulting from ice and snow to sand and heat.
But it was time for the youth to hunt once more. Into the shadowlands they dare traverse, ancient paths taken once more, for who were they but the guardians of the forest? To hunt was to breathe.
And that is why? Chosen few are taken unto the Black hunt.

Attendees: Ursidae and other selected Peeps!
Tone: Shadowlands, hunting, Ursidae Lore, Vdalion lore
Reward: Whatever the DM is willing to provide 
DM: Mal. Being forced into this
Contact Info: tenias#2089
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[The Black Hunt - I] - by tenias - 02-05-2023, 04:26 AM
RE: [The Black Hunt - I] - by Lammy - 02-05-2023, 08:15 AM

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