Method TDragonic Slash
So, I'm just going to say. Dragonic Slash as a skill, should probably be given a little bit more range. If only to put it on par with Strike in terms of range. Right now as it is, Dragonic slash is a 7CD skill that does respectively about 8-9 pow worth of damage, however- it has a single-tile range for it to strike, and even with stepcast, that only extends the attack to technically, two tiles, if your opponent doesn't move, mid-step.

Now, on the other side of the fence- Dragonic Slash is a 0rpp freebie for Drakanite players, so it shouldn't be -too- strong. I just feel like a little bit of love in terms of range would make it a lot more viable on someone's hotbar.
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Dragonic Slash - by Method T - 11-27-2019, 04:20 AM

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