SimpleRoyal Progress
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1882 A.C.

Following a rather prolonged absence, the Queen of Osrona has returned to her throne in timely fashion. Word has quickly spread of her exploits in the foreign territory of Agartha, where she and a number of other dignitaries met to discuss trade and world affairs. Diplomats and leaders from Agartha itself, Valmasia, Sluthia, Sheng, the Empires of Barsburg and Aen, as well as a number of other minor countries. 

Foreign press, including Osrona, has reported a heated altercation taking place between the Queen and the Basileus of Barsburg, which nearly escalated to violence.

The important bits of knowledge that has been released to the populace is as follows, as well as a new edict:

I know that I may have been absent for a year or so overseas, but my heart has and always will be with the people of Osrona. I am pleased to announce that the trade summit concluded favorably, with no sanctions placed upon the Shimmering City by any nation other than Barsburg itself. Despite sustaining grievous insult by their Basileus, we continued the negotiations with heads held high and Leonaus serving as our guide.

Furthermore, Osrona has volunteered to assist in a large-scale effort to improve the lives of Eternia's citizenry as a whole through the progression of magi-technology. Whilst we will never grow a dependence upon it, there are certain benefits which can be reaped by advancing our weaponry and defensive systems. It is paramount that we keep up with our competitors and neighbors in regards to technological advancement.

In light of this, I am also passing a new law which will impact the Shimmering City as a whole. Henceforth anyone born with innate magical potential is required to attend schooling and tutoring of any form throughout the ages of five to sixteen. Should the child not have adequate familial foundation, they will be taken as wards of the Crown and their education funded by the city until they reach the maximum age.

This includes joining the Faith, the Second Dawn, both of which are exemplary forms of education, or attending the renowned Starfall Academy. It is important that we nurture every magi the city has to offer.

My duties shall return to as they were prior. The regency has formally concluded, and I shall return to my rightful place atop the throne, engaging in day to day governance of Osrona. If you or anyone has issues, you need simply approach or write a letter. I look forward to seeing what may come of tomorrow with all of my people.

Thank you.

-Eisele rei Petrakis

In addition to this, unconfirmed rumors have stated that the Queen's temperament has shifted drastically after her altercation with Barsburg's Basileus. Whether or not it is true has yet to be seen.
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