Oyster.Simple Immersion Fixes
Here's an indisputable issue with (currently proposed) tomes/crest rewards for military. They're soulbound, they can't be given away or stolen, or anything. It's lame- but it's also easily fixed.

Arguments against them being tradeable/stealable:
- Hoarding items to alts and friends
- Theft RP has almost never led to anything good

With this in mind, here is the proposal.

Solution for Knight Crests:
- Instead of physical items given, just have the head of the military keep a tally ICly (oocly this can be represented by items to keep track). There, no more questions about why the items cannot be taken.

Solution for magical tomes:
- Ideally the whole system would be reworked as the intention behind tomes is to make learning magic more organic but this is the most barebones route possible. Since the game is releasing in under a week this isn't feasible, hopefully in the future.
- Advanced tomes should require some magical imprint from the first person to pick it up, binding it to them until they've learned everything the tome has to offer- after which it becomes inert or blank or just stays the same or whatever.
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