[Image: 4RPTm6j.png]

This is a summarized overview and some general lore for people to work with, free to be expanded on. Still adding to it as we go along, will post if there's an update.

➤Aen and Barsburg, among several other nations, were once known as the Aehokar Empire in the earliest of lores, an ancient civilization that splintered into several territories and cultures in the centuries that followed. Predominantly Aen and Barsburg were the largest of kingdoms in this region, with the latter's homeland at roughly 250,000 square miles and a population of 15 million.

➤The map is naturally quite complicated with various smaller nations either loyal to Barsburg or Aen, carving out barriers and border lines across a swathe of lands. It was not until the recent fall of Barsburg that this lessened (though various independent city-states emerged). This is a relatively recent event, just before the Year 2000, and is still developing in various shapes and forms. The Navy and power at sea is highly prized due to the great many isles and oceanic blockades - from spiral-like patterns to fractured lands, rarely is it a straight journey on horseback and carriage.

➤A nationalistic people that have pride in their country and are also considered royalists. As of two centuries of rule, Queen Irene II of House Godwin is the head of state, overseeing her parliament and ordained by the Church of Twelve. Country-wide festivities are oft overseen by the royal family whereas the appointed reagents and lordling barons tend to manage the running of villages, towns, and cities. 

➤The kingdom boasts a high standard of living, enjoying wealth from trading prospects and foreign conquests. Many weaker city-states and countries have pledged their fealty to Aen in exchange for protection. Though while the inner cities may rarely see a beggar on the streets, further into the rural regions and out where crime is more frequent may see otherwise. Most fiscal investment goes towards these mega-cities and where the trading ports are rather than elsewhere.

➤Three years of military service is mandatory before the age of twenty-one, to serve in one of the many branches of military (including civil duty, such as the police force). 

➤Aen's population is almost entirely human (with 99%+ being so), compared to the worldly average of 75% humans. There have been a number of atrocities and a pro-human mindset over the centuries, believing that the Creator and Six Primals made men as they are, and that Beastkin are an aversion of this peak state. Wild, emotional, and barbaric, often exhibiting behaviours similar to their animal counterparts. It is not uncommon even today for Beastkin to be referred to as 'mutants'.  A similar mindset extends to Drakanites yet not quite as harshly. Races such as Nephilim (unless Mortyl or Caius), Giants, and Faeborne are not of the same thinking since they possess exalted ancestry of the revered Pantheon.

➤Occult magic and any other practice that corrupts the human condition is outlawed and severely punished.

➤Governed by the Church of Twelve Saints, the only role with judicatory authority over the Monarch in some areas is the Pope of Pylae. 

➤Pylae is one of the Six Constants - the supreme Primals of the cosmos - among them such as Aemir (Ymir), Memoria, Mortyl, Alacritas, and Hel. The embodiment of Hope and seen as the natural force of will that pushes people to rise with the morning sun and go about a productive day, as well as mental toughness during times of hardship. The all encompassing human condition and the Primal that managed to subjucate Hel during the mythical era. Golden wings that form a circle with the sigils of The Twelve form the Church's banner.

➤Of the Twelve Saints are numerous individuals throughout history of legendary status that performed great tasks on behalf of humanity, particularly of that of Aen, believed to have been truly harmonized with Pylae's will. They are the canonical Major Saints, though the Church also has many lesser Saints and stories told in its scripture.

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