NikolaNeijuMasterwork Professions
Okay, hear me out on this… So far we have crafting professions, Artificing and Alchemy. Then, we have non-combat (mostly) hiddens, such include Fleshcrafting and White Magic (the latter has no tiers compared to Fleshcrafting which is kind of ???, considering that Blessing is viewed as beginner level White Magic but there is no real ‘tier’ system elaborated after that)

But what about Masterwork Artificer and Alchemist hiddens? For people who actually focus on their respective professions to the point of mastery? I think it could work well given how much people TEND to go for more RP-oriented, non-combatant characters.

It could be a proof, sort of. A ‘proof’ you’d show during applications for items which would likely make your unique item/project/weapon more quality-like. Or it can have mechanical advantages such as improved rarity tables for artificers, or a chance to produce x2 of the potions as alchemist (the odds of such lower depending on the tier of the potion)

It gives non-combatant characters more importance than just going medic and healing temps/perms, at least imo!
I think this is neat, as it stands I think admins already take into account how experienced your artificer is and their past projects in applications (I've gotten cases where they recommended beginner artificers work with a more experienced one to ensure their uniques come out how they want em to). 

I like the idea! I think it's already somewhat applied in practice, because you likely can't produce world altering items or incredible uniques without experience under your belt. 

My issue is that "artifice" and "alchemy" are and should be pretty vague categories, so specific rewards for progression sorta pigeonhole em. My artificer for example is good at making/altering metaphysical stuff with runes, but I like to flavor them so that they're not very good with producing intricate technology since even master artificers shouldn't somehow know how to produce every type of thing that could exist, so if we create a progression tree that gives you golemcraft after runecasting it might either require heavy fluff or it will just be something I'm not too interested in since machinery isn't my artificer's schtick. 

I think the better way to think about it is to expect artificers to produce and develop schools of artifice kind of, creating noncombat hidden professions other players can pursue like fleshcrafting and white magic/medics. 

Currently I've got an app up to make "Contract Binding" a non combat hidden, and though I can't be sure it'll be accepted, I think it's neater to try and create crafting systems and items people have to specifically dev towards to obtain rather than a solid and linear progression for alchemists and artificers, I think you gain non combat value from having a variety of skills that are rare, because if everyone will receive the same progression rewards they'll just continue to be replaceable crafting bots y'know?

Also there's an incredible lack of alchemy dev items/general alchemy development that goes on and it makes me sad. I think I'm gonna make a noncombat guide after all because I think we've got a lot of potential that currently goes untapped.
I think lack of diversity could be solved by creation of specific items that are listed as 'tools', with addition of Dev item crafting that can be possible. I think Taipan's quill and Law Magic is SORTA fits this way.

To create diversity among the crafter's you'd probably need to make yourself diverse by- you know, getting out there. Making your own tools/forge. That's the reason why some artificers are valuable than the others. Dragonforge for example, can only be used by Drakanites.

Often times, only people of Basburgian backstory or IC know how to make advanced Magi-tech, etc. Perhaps it's just that this diversity isn't... Something you can feel on the surface level? It's subtle, really is! Compared to hiddens that either have flashy graphics/animations/text, or you know, the IC of it.
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