ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: Cannot delete custom (presumably dense) props after putting them down.

How to reproduce:

1. Whip up a custom prop and add it to the props menu.

2. Make it dense, non-public.

3. If you're feeling spicy, bump up the layer it appears on.

4. Create it, put it down, then try to delete it in-world.

And deleting the prop completely after nothing else works doesn't get rid of it, either.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

[Image: 71fac4eef6e19bb1c24cff4bf76569db.png]

(these won't delete)
[Image: 4065177b016e3c30af9dea28ed5f8f88.png]

Drinking an amnesia does not refund mana absorb aura.
It also refunds alchemist eyes (????)

Plz fix ty.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
If a home is created without being mapped in, people can knock on it at any distance as long as they click the door then scamper off.

Down with serial door dashers... Force them to sit in place for like 10 seconds after knocking a door... :)
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Dear Knockers,

I have found out about your tricks to safely knock on my door to have me poke my head out for haha heehee funny prank. I have found out your tricks and now I have decided to do slam my hand on the desk to beg for fixes:

You have been clicking on my door,
Walking away with the prompt up then hitting


From ten miles, realms, from Vanaheim, from Valhalla, from Realm 127.
And it works.
It works every single time.

You can click my door, head to Delphina then knock.
You can click my door, head to Aphros then knock.

Please, world, Kraus, fix this issue and make it so that if someone knocks on the door, they're forced to stand still for at least 10 seconds so that they can't just hee hee hoo hoo run away like a mischievous little scamp.

The person whose door you keep knocking on from 50 miles.
Describe the issue: 
Only one Bleed-afflicting attack (Scarlet Darts) triggers effects from Blood Pall and Bonds Of Blood.
How to reproduce:
1. Activate Aura + Have Bonds of Blood Passive
2. Use Scarlet Darts, and see that it functions as intended when this bleed is applied
3. Use any other skill that inflicts bleed, and see that it does not interact with the aforementioned spells (and also only does half the damage from a Scarlet Darts Bleed Proc?).
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
Alas, I do not have any footage.
Making stupid decisions is a lifestyle.
(05-19-2023, 11:39 PM)Mimickry Wrote: Describe the issue: 
Only one Bleed-afflicting attack (Scarlet Darts) triggers effects from Blood Pall and Bonds Of Blood.
How to reproduce:
1. Activate Aura + Have Bonds of Blood Passive
2. Use Scarlet Darts, and see that it functions as intended when this bleed is applied
3. Use any other skill that inflicts bleed, and see that it does not interact with the aforementioned spells (and also only does half the damage from a Scarlet Darts Bleed Proc?).
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
Alas, I do not have any footage.

the bleed from fatal strike works. As does blood whip's bleed. those two and Scarlet Darts are the only skills that cause other people to bleed, and that is required for blood pall and bonds of blood. (at least.. from my testing.. i could be looking like an idiot and have everything wrong.)
Fun fact:

The text you get when you don't receive exp because X did more damage reveals the real name of the person through their disguise.
(05-20-2023, 12:05 AM)BrolyRules Wrote:
(05-19-2023, 11:39 PM)Mimickry Wrote: Describe the issue: 
Only one Bleed-afflicting attack (Scarlet Darts) triggers effects from Blood Pall and Bonds Of Blood.
How to reproduce:
1. Activate Aura + Have Bonds of Blood Passive
2. Use Scarlet Darts, and see that it functions as intended when this bleed is applied
3. Use any other skill that inflicts bleed, and see that it does not interact with the aforementioned spells (and also only does half the damage from a Scarlet Darts Bleed Proc?).
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
Alas, I do not have any footage.

the bleed from fatal strike works. As does blood whip's bleed. those two and Scarlet Darts are the only skills that cause other people to bleed, and that is required for blood pall and bonds of blood. (at least.. from my testing.. i could be looking like an idiot and have everything wrong.)
There are two other skills that cause bleed- Though I didn't have the whip at the time! The other two that do the lesser version of bleed are the ones that spawn blood blades. The one from the healing blood pools deal 0.25x bleed ticks and don't trigger either effect. And the regular blood blades cause an even weaker bleed tick that also does not activate the passive effects.
Making stupid decisions is a lifestyle.
Describe the issue: Golemancy summons leave behind a block when they die. You can't walk through it, is that intentional? For context I use Golemancy, and just wanted to double check on this. If it is intended? Then I've no issues, if it's not? Then I would like to see it fixed for anyone that has to deal with it.


How to reproduce:
Let Golem summons die in a verb, they leave behind a block sometimes. Don't think that's intentional as it seems unfair for the opponent, but if it is I understand.
Describe the issue: You cannot buy Spiral Bomb if you have Shadow Dive

How to reproduce: Try to buy either or while possessing the other.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): [Image: m5TdvRp.png]

had this discussion with Mal in tickets, but after he granted and then refunded spiral from my spellbook. Spiral stayed but it refunded shadow claw, and once I bought shadow claw they both worked. So I think it might specifically be that Shadow claw counts as spiral bomb, but not the other way around somewhere in some wonky code.
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