ChanceBug Reports
Glacier still 15 RPP and not the 10 that was stated in the change log. Please change, ice users everywhere will rejoice! 

[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]
Describe the issue: Attempting to collect eggs yields no eggs and makes them all disappear.

How to reproduce: Go to collect your eggs, try on 3 coops, and realize only after trying to harvest all your eggs that none of them are in your inventory.

Pre Collect:
[Image: dc12fc018db22d8f63e2165d7087e929.png]

Post Collect:
[Image: fa1b723cf910e1940b48bacfd0133643.jpg]

No eggs were received.
Describe the issue: Skurn Summon causing a monster to bug and reach the unresponsive invincible 0 hp state when the default duration of the Skurn ends.  When a Skurn disappears naturally between 35 minutes and 40 minutes, instead of actually desummoning, they are teleported(?) from the overworld and placed in a "black screen".  This also allows you to cast Link Transposition as the Summon hasn't actually desummoned.

Unconfirmed Theory: Due to this, any spell they had cast can continue to deal damage contrary to desummoning them, where the spell stops dealing damage as soon as they are desummoned. Thus, it can result in the monster bugging if they are killed.

Note: I'm not entirely sure if the above is true, as I was not in the middle of recording my 40 minute fire crystals farming session, but I've never had the Skurn bug anything until it coincidentally naturally "despawned."  This was also the first occasion that I've seen my Skurn bug a monster.

Additional Bug: While the Skurn is in that "black screen" from an automatic "desummon" (where they aren't actually desummoned), you can cast Link Transposition to teleport to that "black screen".  I've not had anyone around to tell me if I was still in the overworld, and I don't think my coords changed at all. Since the Skurn  takes the 35-40 min to naturally "disappear", I never had it in me to retest it with lack of free time, since it takes such a long time to reproduce.

How to reproduce:

- Summon Skurn
- Perform your duty as an alchemist and farm crystals solo
- Attempt to keep a monster at low hp
- Wait between 35 and 40 minutes for the Skurn to naturally "desummon" (they don't actually desummon as mentioned).  I also don't have the exact time for when this happens. It could be 30-40 minutes.
- Have the Skurn achieve a monster kill right before it disappears or maybe it takes down a monster after it disappears with a lingering spell
- Watch as you've ruined a crystal farming area with -1 monster until it gets fixed

Additional Bug Reproduction
- Wait for your Skurn to naturally "desummon"
- Cast Link Transposition after they "desummon"
- Watch as you've teleported into an area that is only a black screen
- Link Transposition to return to normal (do not unsummon your Skurn before you teleport back to normal, as it's your main way back and I have no clue if you can return if you unsummon it.  I'm not sure if you can move at all, meaning you might not be able to even Wayfind/Rift to normal.)

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
When I initially found the "black screen" bug, I actually continued to grind for crystal materials and forgot to start recording when it was about time for the Skurn to desummon the second time.  As for the monster bugging, I still didn't have it recording, so I'm not entirely sure what bugged it, due to mindlessly grinding for crystals, but my above explanation is how I interpreted what had happened.
Describe the issue: The "Delte" (Delete) option in long range Riftmancy (Displayed as Wayfinding) does nothing.

How to reproduce: Click Delte. Try to click it over where your teleport is saved too, nothing happens.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):

[Image: H2rI94i.png]

Also of note: Sometimes using the spell causes you to become stuck and you need to relog to fix it. Otherwise you simply can't move. Normally when you cancel it.
[Image: dOmPfIR.png]
Bug: Fertilizer
*The speed of fertilized crops is the same of regular crops
*It feels the chance of better crops may not be working, i collected few crops and felt like the non fertilized produced more quality crops than fertilized ones.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Melodic Repose:
doesn't lower FM

pretty sure the bug where it doesn't tick was reported as well. (Unrelated to the damage numbers not showing atm, literally doesn't do damage sometimes.)
(07-25-2023, 03:25 AM)Sailor Ryu Wrote: Absolutely needs confirming, but:

The weapon issue where trying to unequip weapons with full inventories causing them to reset in a weird way (Losing their creation year, creator, and all modifiers) seems to be being caused by them for SOME UNGODLY REASON pulling the parent type of that weapon from the spawn anything menu.

Do I know where the original version of the weapon is going? No.
Do I know how to reliably replicate this? Beyond filling your inventory and testing it, not really.
Am I certain of this? About 60%, but considering these bugged weapons match the admin spawned versions and cannot have things like their creation year set, it makes sense to me

I can confirm that this happens! I had this happen last night and only noticed the change today. My poor, poor Ultra Prism Blade ;-;

But yes. Trying to unequip a weapon while having a full inventory borks it.

 [Image: 9c908dbdb53e33768f803fabb78e5135.png]

 [Image: 4da221e9045f9f2523b93d3d3069a2c2.png]
Obligatory bump, since someone mentioned Melodic Repose. This was supposed to get fixed/remade in 1.8 I thought. Can we please get a fix for this soonventually.

(07-19-2023, 04:12 AM)Fortune Wrote: Describe the issue: Melodic Repose still isn't registering damage/confuse on targets half the time it's used ontop of them or when they walk into it.

How to reproduce: Use Melodic Repose. Pray that it works.

[Image: Rx6rtV.gif]
a bit minor, but

[Image: image.png] [Image: image.png]

when putting the mini-map in mini mode you dont end up with the coords placed above it like you would with the larger map. as someone who uses mini mode this is a little annoying to see sometimes
I can't believe it. Calcium coil is uncleansible by cleanses, but it's stopped by CC immunity.

I suppose this is a bug?

Bone eating, otherwise.
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