Describe the issue: Retainers seem to rollback their positions after a reboot. This is specially very annoying if they are stuck in private arenas.
In ticket # 3004, #3059 and #3145, I have asked to have them teleported them back to me. And each time they were stuck in the private battle arena map, despite having moving them back on the main map.
How to reproduce:
Have the retainers following you.
Engage in private battle.
Have your retainers KO.
Since you can't interract with KO retainers after 3 hours and that you can't make them teleport them to you, they stay in the private battle arena.
Think that next reboot they would return to their spawn point.
They do not.
Make a ticket to have them teleport to you.
Move them around, refresh their spawnpoint.
Somehow after a reboot they return to the privatebattle arena ?
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
In ticket #3004
#3145 as of now
Edit : It happened again #3187
Coordinates are always close to each other on the moment. Despite having left them once in Arcadia or in a cave, they still returned there.