ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: Scarlet Circle and Blood Sacrifice are alittle borked

How to reproduce:
Test it out with a Neph, and TC myself 37000 damage (yes, 37k). My testing opponent still dies because the blood blades seem to do an enormous amount of damage, and they were apparently still active (The blades are also invisible). I heal 2250 with one 'pool' from blood sacrifice, 3 of those pools spawn. An around 6k heal with a 18 second cooldown. And, they spawn the same blood blades. The blood blades in both, do around 4k damage per invisible blade with my power. They also seem to track, however I cannot truly tell, as they are invisible. Scarlet circle also disables the enemy target, making it impossible to get away from, or cast a spell during

I do not think this is the intended existence of the spell. So, I think it is something to report.
Describe the issue: Sailboat cabins do not save between instances of the sailboat.
How to reproduce:
Make a sailboat.
Put the sailboat down.
Go into its cabin.
Place down any decoration.
Exit the sailboat.
Pick up the sailboat.
Put the sailboat back down.
(This would not normally be a big problem. However, there is another issue.)

Describe the issue: Sailboats can be picked up by non-owners/non-helpers.
How to reproduce:
Make a sailboat.
Put the sailboat down.
Ask someone that has no perms with the boat to click on it.

This is likely being caused by it being rowboat+ code, seeing as rowboats aren't locked to one owner.
(Please don't ask how I got a sailboat this early.)

Describe the issue: Magma Fist has no cooldown.
How to reproduce:
Purchase Magma Fist.
Cast it once.
Cast it again immediately after the channeling time is over.
(Also, it's marked as a Basic despite requiring 40 RPP spent in Magma.)
(01-07-2023, 12:45 AM)Gravelord Wrote: Demon racials are very borked.

[Image: IErgBdX.png]

We have Cursed Heritage (danger+ xp), Evolve, Make Cambion for free (already reported), Teach Occult Magic, Telepathy, and Demon Minions (10 rpp master). The stat compensation passive isn't in, nor are Demon Claws. If the stat compensation is integrated into the race and not a skill you buy then well...

[Image: Bt9OH68.png]

I am level 202 Demon currently at Elemental Stage. I only have a +2 vit 1.5pow amulet and +3 vit ring equipped (already ticketed to take it off) and a -5 vit perm but uh... don't seem right to me.

Status Update:
[Image: OsqTiry.png]

After relogging, as mentioned before I have a -5 perm so this checks out but I'm not sure if Demons are supposed to have a vit boost at Elemental level or not, or if the small power bonus is also accurate.
[Image: b6bWoga.png]
Describe the issue: Unable to buy spells above basic.

How to reproduce: Attempt to buy intermediate+ spells, even with the right requirements (not sure if it's only affecting edited/new spells). As you can see below, I even overspent (50rpp) in Light and still could not purchase the intermediate.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):

 [Image: image.png][Image: image.png][Image: image.png]
Describe the issue: Sailboat flags.
Picking up a sailboat resets the flag to a white one.

How to reproduce:
Pick up a boat (Aen) with the flag.

Describe the issue: Sailboats PT II
Non-helpers can also pick up sailboats, letting them snake it.

How to reproduce:
Pick up a boat you are not a helper of.
Describe the issue: Demons don't get 300 EXP from dangers, instead they get 0.

How to reproduce: Buy the danger passive racial, fight a danger, do /activity and see that you've received 0 exp instead of 300.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Not really, my source is: trust me bro.
You probably did, but did you relog before doing /activity? It doesn't refresh until then.
[Image: image.png]
Enjoy retirement, Vibe.
(01-07-2023, 05:29 AM)vampirezero Wrote: You probably did, but did you relog before doing /activity? It doesn't refresh until then.

Mhm, passive doesn't work. I've been told it might have been something which stops all exp gain when the RPL difference is too high, but I'm not too sure.
(01-07-2023, 05:37 AM)tenias Wrote:
(01-07-2023, 05:29 AM)vampirezero Wrote: You probably did, but did you relog before doing /activity? It doesn't refresh until then.

Mhm, passive doesn't work. I've been told it might have been something which stops all exp gain when the RPL difference is too high, but I'm not too sure.

Can confirm that EXP did not visually appear after a danger, and the RPL difference cannot really be avoided as a 40 RPL demon.
Describe Issue: Elemental Demon doesnt get the elepow buff.
[Image: KwQfGLE.png]
I'm Earth Element and I was told that stuff would show up here, alas.

How to reproduce: Set RPL to 200, /evolve to reach elemental stage and then check your offensive element buffs.

Seems everytime you relog as a Demon you are reverted to Lesser statwise and can evolve again, you also go into negative stats past the first evolution.
[Image: b6bWoga.png]
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