ChanceBug Reports

Issue: Seems like the Link transportation against Grudon in the cave keeps giving me a blackout screen and I still can't see or move and I wasn't even downed.
The Issue: Rabbits can get stuck moving back and forth in like two tiles and it creates a localized lag-bomb until the rabbit is killed.

How to reproduce: Watch a rabbit get stuck running back and forth over and over over the same two or three tiles and your FPS plummet. Will post a video next time I catch it.
sometimes the summoning skurns go completely invisible. im not entirely sure what causes this, i can't replicate it on my own, but it's happened twice for me and they don't regain visibility after resummoning them.

this is happening while im using the earth skurn specifically; don't know if it happens with the others. it also doesn't have an idle state animation (the other skurns seem to), not sure if that's intentional or not.
[Image: characters-2-smaller.png]
This is been for a while, so long i thought was removed but the old seaweed spawns vanished from beachs?

not sure if the sea ones still there, so yeah i thought was removed but looks like is bugged.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Describe the issue: Demons cannot use armed moves.
How to reproduce: Spawn as demon, try to hold watering can or fishing pole or nothing at all and you still can't use armed moves.
[Image: c6e18f0d105a606911deeeed1d34b598-png.jpg]
Describe the Issue: Steel spawn in Fire Cave.
254,74,4 Or in that area.
Describe the Issue: Fire crystals and Alchemy
When you go into the alchemy screen, certain potions that previously required one fire crystal now require two. While that isn't the bug itself, the potions will light up as they normally do when the game tells you have the materials needed to make it.
You can use summoning skills while your summon is dead and swap/pilot them.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
After some time (possibly a reboot), you lose ownership of the sailboat you made. Can't ride, can't set in helpers.
I wasn't sure if this should be a suggestions or bug report post, but people said I should post it here.

Describe the issue: Elemental Demon loses the stats given by Giga Demon, or at least some of them? I have +15 pow from somewhere without food, attunement, any stray equipment, aura, stance, toggle buff, whatever have you.

[Image: GtLSUP8.png]
Lv203 Demon (i have a -5 perm)


[Image: yAcxEaM.png]
lv156 Demon

Feels kinda off to me. 

How to replicate:
Set RPL to 200 and evolve all the way to Elemental, keep eye on your stats.
[Image: b6bWoga.png]
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