CroHouse D'Arnette, the Hounds of the Gentry
House D'Arnette, the Hounds of the Gentry

[Image: rws77EC.jpg]

The D'Arnette dynasty is known for producing cultivators of private entertainment. Since its founding, the family has prided itself on its ability to cater towards a very specific demographic: the nobility of Osrona. They are salesmen with a select patronage that live to satisfy the needs of landed aristocrats. Historically, members of the D'Arnette line have made a name for themselves working as organizers, orators, and operatives.

The household is synonymous with a small sect known as the Fraternity of Osrona, a cabaret catered towards Esshar's upper echelon. Shrouded in controversy, not much is known about the establishment other than that it enables nobility to explore every facet of their privilege. Whether or not the Fraternity adheres to Osrona's edicts and laws has remained a topic of strong debate as since it's founding.

Its brood spends time assisting in the administrative duties of the family business, while also remaining outspoken advocates of class separation. They are infamous for orchestrating public demonstrations and spearheading rallies that vilify slum dwellers and unsavory, unproductive commoners. Similarly, they are strong supporters of the City Watch, defending them at any given opportunity while finding every reason to ensure that they remain protectors of the peerage.

Members of House D'Arnette are said to provide exclusive services to their patronage on fixed or commission based contracts. The exact nature of these services is still a topic of speculation to this day, though there is a saying at a D'Arnette will do anything for a price—so long as there is a signet ring involved.
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