Nerf Light. Its too strong.
As a Light user, the instant teleport costs 20 RPP for a teleport. Yes it has range but unless you capitalize on it it does nothing. Jab is the same thing from unarmed, just a shorter range for a you guessed it basic tree.

Scattered Lights have been nerfed once with the block adjustments and unless your standing still like a whack-a-mole you'll be fine. There are tricks to avoiding the homings you just have to use them.

As for the instant beam? I have heard it does about 5K immediately could need tweaked. Maybe tone down the damage and return it's stun? I don't use it and don't see these hordes of light users.

That's all three, a teleport that does nothing by itself. A homing that has already been nerfed with the recent updates, and a beam which I have never seen do much.

I do think Holy needs toned down cause it really feels like the complaints on light is based around 'You have cosmic and holy to use with it!' which duh it's a spec tree that needs one of those spec trees to get into. Star Rain, the big cosmic aoe sucks from what I've used. It has a slow, and piss-poor damage.

Simple suggestion? Look at Holy and tone it down a bit. Maybe turn down cosmic? Personally I've never seen Cosmic Light do anything insane spell per spell.

Of course, I've also noticed that people get on rants and tirades when they lose to a tree once or twice. There needs to be a realization that verb is a thing and that it matters. Not saying that some trees are not over-powered, looking at you explosion but that people jump up in arms as soon as they lose once or twice.
Light really ain’t all that, Spatial is a thing, and I can’t wait to see what you all say when someone goes spatial, Light, illusion. You never winning, you gonna die, and you gonna feel pain. All I can say is the second you don’t see a light user anymore? Block.

Light user just used light speed? You better dive him it’s it’s over for you, too many have the tendency to back off when you get chunked suddenly. Well timed dashes and proper execution beats everything, your panicking and salt makes light stronger without you releasing it, you’re titled mate.
I think it's really of bad faith for people to say that the teleport is nothing and weak because on its own, it does nothing but teleport.
People act like utility doesn't matter.
Jab has a windup, and even with the windup jab is a bit much if given too much range. Utility is the strongest thing in any well balanced game-- for my League players, it's why Riven is always relevant in the game. And why champions like Vayne and Kai'sa (and now Aphelios) can be so scary. Because they've got a bunch of utility built into their kit that gives them non-damage based power that makes outputting or mitigating damage a huge problem.

Lightspeed has probably double, maybe triple the range of jab. And it's GCDE. It does nothing on its own, except re-position you to the opponent's back from an insane range, allowing you to bypass any and all skillshots and instantaneously land your own skillshots or drop your own stun combos. There's no windup, there's no way to prepare for it outside of getting a feel for your opponent's habits and knowing the CDs of everything on their bar.

Imagine a light cosmic energy user who lightspeeds behind you. No big deal right? It cost 20 RPP, did no damage. All it did was dodge your... Let's say... It dodged your mud-slide, or your meteor, or something. Then next thing you know you're getting spiral bombed in the back, then star rained, following an invigorate or something, then scattered lights while you're stuck on that slow AoE, powered up, then alpha blast or whatever it's called from the energy tree-- or a nova ray, or a prism beam, or anything.

Now imagine you can kite all match and constantly guarantee that combo by just hitting lightspeed from a range twice that of your opponent's dash-tackle, dash-fatal, dash-dash range. And even if they time your CDs, you still can just hold out until they mistep, and then with one press of the button you guarantee your whole combo. On repeat.

Imagine this with any other tree. Imagine this with just holy and just doing this with holy cannon. Imagine doing this with the double holy AoE. Imagine doing this with nova ray. Let's not pretend that Lightspeed teleport does no damage. Because it's the key to all the damage.

Maybe if it were retooled into a charge abiility, that made the user light up whiter and white over the course of the charge as a 'tell' to prepare the opponent for what was coming. Otherwise you basically just have a long-range flash.

[Image: 6cc.gif]
So it’s a skill based move? It’s got a pretty hefty CD. Try baiting it out.
I can't believe the teleport is being defended. Let me reiterate. Ifrit special>lightspeed>psmash>anything else. It's just that fucking simple and you are not dodging it. You are not dodging lightspeed beams, you are not dodging lightspeed unarmed combos. You're just not unless youre already in a immunity buff or dashing across the screen/increased movement speed.
I mean... If you call pressing one button before the rest of your combo that removes your need to think about positioning and your opponent's counters a skill based move sure.
theres no skill in a teleport with no tell or windup with practically inf range that freely allows u to follow up into whatever devastating combo you want for absolutely no cost
Where were all of you when spatial swordstyle ran rampant on Spires? lol...
Enjoying other thigs I guess Jash.
If you want supercool busted mechanics in a game, you need to make sure it's really well made. Not just a 'flash' and appear at your opponent. People aren't going to like that. It's not fair, there's not much counter-play, there's no tell. It's literally just free.

If you make it well, give it a tell, give it a decent wind up, a decent warning, or give it decent restrictions, people will be more receiving of it. As for those defending it, I dunno what to say. Maybe I'm missing something and I'll make it my business to face a bunch of light users to try and figure it out-- but part of me feels like if anything they may be facing the weakest or the most low-skilled Light users to not understand what it does in proper hands.
Thank you to everyone willing to speak up because this is ridiculous and has been going on for so long and it really sucks.
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