akemimeraHealing Methodologies Lessons
Quote:"Well now, it is finally time to host the first set of lessons of my personal magics. Just in time to help offset the strain on healers as the eve of battle approaches everyone." -Sasha Cron

[Image: AURA.gif]

A single flier per nation was posted on their boards, about lessons for Curia Aurora.
More importantly however, the minimum level skill required to be considered for instruction was also included, and not in the fine print.

As such, those wishing to take the first step into the world of combat medicine, are requested to send their name via letter, as to allocate proper time and resources.
Also noted was the additional notice that lessons may be requested in cities who may or may not be welcoming of other students on a case by case basis.

[Image: LG-cardart-Healing_Hands.png]

OOC Information:
Please note, due to the IC of the Aura, the entire medical tree must be unlocked and purchased.
Those nations actively hostile with each other due to the ongoing religion wars, may request lessons for their citizens hosted privately should enough students be present. (at least 3)
Failure is a possibility. Not everyone will make on the first go.
EU timezoners I apologize in advance for times.

First lessons potentially Planned for
September 14th, 6pm EST
[I really should get someone to help me make forum posts all pretty]
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